Propagandists tell you what to think.
Seriously, that made me laugh so loudly I scared the cat. I mean, duh, people. Did they realize they'd outed themselves?
The Odd Life of Jehovah's Witnesses
*** g78 8/22 p. 3 do others do your thinking?
do others do your thinking?.
propaganda has power.
Propagandists tell you what to think.
Seriously, that made me laugh so loudly I scared the cat. I mean, duh, people. Did they realize they'd outed themselves?
The Odd Life of Jehovah's Witnesses
poor sparlock!
poor caleb, even!.
for a few brief weeks...was it even for as long as a few brief weeks?...sparlock enjoyed fleeting fame with his own page on wikipedia.
Oh, yeah, I used it. Why bother to come back when you know perfectly well they don't want to talk to you?
The Odd Life of Jehovah's Witnesses
Dyfii - Welcome. Your story is very touching and sad. I hope you will come to know that you are not an evil monster and that your sexual feelings are perfectly normal.
A God of love would never hate you, and your experience after the death of your sister shows that. Please continue posting and let us know how you are doing.
The Odd Life of Jehovah's Witnesses
a friend of mine posted this on facebook.
it made me spit diet pepsi all over my screen!.
A friend of mine posted this on Facebook. It made me spit Diet Pepsi all over my screen!
The Odd Life of Jehovah's Witnesses
My favorite sound is rain on a tin roof.
The Odd Life of Jehovah's Witnesses
i'm wondering how they feel about their likeness being spammed all over the internet right now?
i'll bet they didn't sign up for this kind of attention.. it reminds me of an article wired magazine did on youtube a couple years ago about people that had their careers or social life ruined by a viral youtube video.. anyway, it would be interesting to find out who these guys are and what may or may not end up happening with them over this..
I'm sure they feel relieved. But in a day your two ... well, you know how it is.
00Dad - LOL!!!
I've been wondering the same thing. But as someone else mentioned, they're probably well insulated from the reality. Still, I'm sure some worldly relative will let them know about it.
The Odd Life of Jehovah's Witnesses
Welcome, Unchained! Your story is heartbreaking. JWs always seem to think you're crazy when you leave. My family spread some wild rumors about me when I left my husband and the cult at the same time.
The Odd Life of Jehovah's Witnesses
i work at a major airline in the in-flight training department.
i was sitting at the desk on the computer, i kid you not... writing the security (hijacking) curriculum for 2002, when someone came in and told me a plane flew into the wtc.
we all thought it was one of our planes.
I was at work. When the towers fell my boss, who was also a JW, came running over to me with sparkling eyes and a big smile and said, "Oh, Sally, won't it be wonderful when your father is resurrected and you can tell him you saw the start of the GT?"
My mouth dropped open and I said to her, "Jean, thousands of people just lost their lives. This is a tragedy. You can't be happy about that!" She looked at me like I was a party pooper.
I knew it wasn't the start of the GT because it was local to NYC, not global.
The Odd Life of Jehovah's Witnesses
i was deleted as ms some years ago, a brother thought i became an elder.
at the circuit assembly, he asked me if i am elder now, i said yes so the brother told me all of the gritty details about his wife and her sister that got disfellowshipped at the same time.
they went out with the worldly guys and they both got pregnant.
Lied on my FS report every freakin' month for the last few years. I did not want to get a "shepherding visit."
The Odd Life of Jehovah's Witnesses