The Watchtower is not Religion. Religion is a snare and a racket. How could the WT be religion? It's a snare and a racket BUSINESS!!
i should of posted this topic here because i am very interested to learn where those end up after the watchtower.. for those wha have left jehovahs witnesses is there religion after you leave the watch tower?
this is just a survey i would like to hear people share pesonal experiences on the matter.. 1. do you still believe in a god.
2. have you joined another religion.
The Watchtower is not Religion. Religion is a snare and a racket. How could the WT be religion? It's a snare and a racket BUSINESS!!
well, i'm moving away across the country in 2 months and my mother wants to spend some time with me.
being a pioneer, her idea of spending time with her oldest son is working out in service for a morning....i've decided to go along with her tomorrow morning because i really couldn't think of a good excuse, since i'm presently laid off from my job and collecting $$ from the state of pa. i haven't been out since about march and am not looking forward to this at all.
hopefully i won't have to talk or say much.
If I have to wear a tie I can't do it.
...if you were going to be in town soon and wanted to meet for coffee at the cafe?
and if you're nervous, i'm totally harmless.
just interested in starting to meet some of the folks on here, and you're closest.
Great idea. If any lady is in San Antonio Saturday 12/22, please advise for similar thought.
Rico Ananans.
i need to clear somethings up... thanks!.
1. when i visited some big churches in europe, ie, notradamn (sp?).
i saw the church being covered with gargoyals, why is this?.
Hi Jack, I can think of a few:
1. Gargoyles look like priests the morning after.
3. For the hell of it.
7. They get bored.
10. None.
15. The earth is really made of clear plastic. We see it as solid because it's an illusion.
moses got in a good bit of trouble with god for taking credit for supplying water that had actually been supplied by god.. does this have a modern day counterpart in people or "classes" of people saying that they are the source of figurative "water" from god?.
we of course know that there are hundreds of groups who claim to represent god.
even here on our little forum we have dozens of people who say they have the truth, they have the real understanding.
Check out my post, two above yours.
when one stops using borg publications as a substitute for his own god-given critical thinking faculties and starts reading up on history and countless other subjects that at one time were available only in libraries but now are available also in the treasure trove of the internet on the top of everyones lap and/or desk, one will see that pastor russell and everyone that headed his cause were just next in a long line of opportunists ready to cash in spiritually, monetarily and psychologically on millenarianism hopes and fears.
ray brought out that the bible is silent about food at the proper time coming from some fds organization as opposed to the fds comment of jesus being also applicable to the individual student of the bible.
i was surprised to learn that in anticipation of the year 1000 catholic europe witnessed a lot of behavior akin to the modern-day jw phenomenon of preparing for the end in diverse ways because they knew the end was coming soon.
When one stops using BORG publications as a substitute for his own God-given critical thinking faculties and starts reading up on History and countless other subjects that at one time were available only in libraries but now are available also in the treasure trove of the Internet on the top of everyone’s lap and/or desk, one will see that “Pastor” Russell and everyone that headed his Cause were just next in a long line of opportunists ready to cash in spiritually, monetarily and psychologically on Millenarianism hopes and fears. Ray brought out that the Bible is silent about “Food At The Proper Time” coming from some FDS Organization as opposed to the FDS comment of Jesus being also applicable to the individual student of the Bible. I was surprised to learn that in anticipation of the year 1000 Catholic Europe witnessed a lot of behavior akin to the modern-day JW phenomenon of preparing for the “End” in diverse ways because they “knew” the End was coming “soon.” INTERESTINGLY, When I was a Catholic the Church never went out of its way to tell me that in their own past they conducted themselves as JW’s today. Jesus mentioned to be wary of “false Christs” and there certainly has been an oversupply of them since he was on the earth until now and will continue to be. So that is what happens when we “dig deeper” and see that WBTS is just another in a long line of opportunistic entities cashing in on gullible people by twisting scriptures and playing mind-control games. Now that I’m appreciating so much that I’ve been able to see my OWN gullibility, I also see that WBTS is not unique. It’s just that I’ve been separating myself (“from the Unclean Thing?”) from it for a relatively short period of time compared to the length of time I was one of its drones. Learning gems of History helps to put matters into a better perspective. “Chinese Communists” brainwashed people against their will. It’s been hard for me as an Ex-Borg Drone to face the fact that no one forced me against my will to swallow their pseudo-scriptural drivel, I did it to MYSELF. It’s been almost as hard as rejecting all the Catholic drivel I had once been programmed with before falling into the same trap of having all the tubes attached to me as a cell of the Collective, but now at least my consolation is that I don’t have to fall into the trap ever again. Thanks be to GOOGLE, ALTA VISTA, ETC ETC (I use Google all the time) for their help in becoming educated in very significant ways.
As Lao Tsu once said, “Keep your I Simple.” When movies still traditionally put "THE END" on the screen, there was a movie about the Korean War when in progress ("Steel Helmet" : 1951)
and at the end it sed: "THERE IS NO END TO THIS STORY." As Mr. Natural sed: "Keep on Truckin'."
...that jw's have a hard time forgiving others because they themselves are rarely forgiven for their own sins.
according to their beliefs jehovah keeps track of every detail of your life...good and bad.
that even if you are humble and repent of your sins, that there is still no true forgiveness until the new system.
Hi Again Andi,
Rico Pineapple lives in Del Rio, TX. If you live in TX maybe you and your boyfriend could invite me for Xmas dinner.
Rico Pineapple/Ananas.
i've been reading lots of messages in just a few days of logging on to this site and have to say that in the beginning it was bothering me to still be doing the jw thing.
i dropped out after 25 years, the last 14 as an elder.
now, however, i'm beginning to realize that the posts have been giving me a feeling of fellowship with many people who have gone/are going through experiences similar to mine, a kind of fellowship that i rarely if ever felt being among other jw's.
I hope soon I'll be able ta offer lighter fare: Rico Lite.
i've been reading lots of messages in just a few days of logging on to this site and have to say that in the beginning it was bothering me to still be doing the jw thing.
i dropped out after 25 years, the last 14 as an elder.
now, however, i'm beginning to realize that the posts have been giving me a feeling of fellowship with many people who have gone/are going through experiences similar to mine, a kind of fellowship that i rarely if ever felt being among other jw's.
Hugs can be more therapeutic than the Hard Guys want to admit, Right Tina?
i've been reading lots of messages in just a few days of logging on to this site and have to say that in the beginning it was bothering me to still be doing the jw thing.
i dropped out after 25 years, the last 14 as an elder.
now, however, i'm beginning to realize that the posts have been giving me a feeling of fellowship with many people who have gone/are going through experiences similar to mine, a kind of fellowship that i rarely if ever felt being among other jw's.
Hi Sweet Andi Jedi,
Thanks for the compassionate "sooo". I'm still not over her death and wonder if I ever WILL be. Sometimes it feels like it when my lady associates are smiling at me but not after 8PM (especially when we're back on Standard Time) when I'm home all by myself after my work and the tears want even to run all over my keyboard and THAT'S not cool, especially for a guy that's supposed to be MATURE and awaiting the Resurrection ( I sure have a lot to say about THAT), especially when I think about all the things I could have said and done better for her. We prayed and prayed like crazy to Jehovah, NOT of course for Him to heal her (good JW's do not pray for stuff like that, Right?) but to help us find the best treatment. Maybe that's why she had to die, we could never find the BEST treatment. We even made several visits to some weirdo practitioner "brother" in Florence, TX, to give him money to help my wife "heal her own cancer" but when she called him from home to tell him she was getting worse he started yelling at her because she "was not following his instructions." No, I was not guilted at all. Just amazed and astounded. I went to no more meetings for sure after that. That MS helped me to solidify my conviction that that was IT!! BTW, that MS became elder because out of desperation the BOE appointed him to fill MY absence ("Publishers" cannot take care of themselves, nachon? They need "spiritually qualified brothers" to hold their collective hands and wipe their collective butts). It sort of makes me laugh perversely too. HA HA HA HA HA HA. Too bad it's not a sound file (but the HA HA HA's could get scary) A meeting or so before that, I told the PO after the meeting that I would have to step aside as an elder to be with my wife and he sed: "Ya haven't done anything wrong, have ya?" In hindsight I came up with the retort "Yeah, I became a JW." The things that would be nice to say in the act!!!