What Data Dog said!! Also their definition of a true friend is the opposite of a good JW?? Is your shirt a little low cut? Skirt not past the knee? FOrgot to shave? Guess what? You will be gossiped about, and judged!!
Do you have doubts about 1914? 607? 1919? Blood transfusion doctrine? Child abuse policies? Either you keep these to yourself and not tell even your spouse or best friend, or else face the loss of their CONDITIONAL love and friendship, whether you are DF or no. Like DD said, thats no way to be a friend. THey MUST cut you off as a friend for having non approved THoughts!! How crazy is that! There are no friends as conditional or Judgemental or intolerant as JWs!! My wife is shunning her "best friend" right now because of a decision 3 MEN made! Pitiful.