A short article I published on the case. Includes PDF of court judgement.
https://www.oakbaynews.com/news/grand-forks-jehovahs-witnesses-lose-privacy-law-appeal-7897541 .
A short article I published on the case. Includes PDF of court judgement.
from barbara:.
my dear husband, joe anderson, has had very real problems with his short-term memory for at least a year which really worried me.
as his mental health deteriorated, i decided to have our local longtime physician talk alone with joe during an office visit last september.
there are no real numbers for jws but they are a relatively small group.
compared to the number of catholics at least.. the australian commission gathered more than 5000 cases with over 1000 perpetrators that went completely unreported for the jws.
likewise they did the same for catholics and collected just under 4800 cases with 1880 perpetrators.
“As part of the preparation for the Jehovah’s Witnesses public hearing, the Child Abuse Royal Commission compelled Watchtower Australia under subpoena to produce its child sexual abuse database and all documents relating to allegations of child sexual abuse. Watchtower Australia produced about 5,000 documents, which included case files pertaining to 1,006 alleged perpetrators of child sexual abuse within the religion in Australia. The Child Abuse Royal Commission analysed the files and produced a data base summary of all 1006 cases, of which were mostly uncontested by Watchtower Australia.”
SOURCE: [Say Sorry article] Part 1 - Jehovah’s Witness and the Child Abuse Royal Commission
email request from shelly:.
dear petra, are there any circuit overseer training videos that you know of?
and could you send them over to larchwood?.
merry xmas everyone.. https://youtu.be/39lpikmd-is.
in this exclusive extract from his new memoir, the star recalls his childhood as a ‘tormented tug of war’ between his faith and his sexuality….
like me, mam was smartly dressed.
In this exclusive extract from his new memoir, the star recalls his childhood as a ‘tormented tug of war’ between his faith and his sexuality…
Like me, Mam was smartly dressed. As a Jehovah’s Witness you always had to look respectable, because you were representing the religion. We always smelled nice; we smiled a lot and had neat hair. There was a lot of deprivation in the valleys and when people saw us at their front door, looking so clean and fresh and happy, it must have been a powerful draw. Join us, and you could be like this, too!
Mam was armed with a leather briefcase, inside of which were copies of the Jehovah’s Witness magazines, a Bible and a stack of report sheets, which would be filled out with notes such as: Number 48: do not call again or Number 16: come back same time next week. She was a pioneer, which is what the religion calls those who knock doors regularly. Mam used to spend upwards of 60 hours a month doing the rounds of the villages of south Wales in a bid to save souls.
… To this day I’m still not sure when my parents’ birthdays are. One’s in August and the other November, I think. When I left home and celebrated my first birthday – my 18th – I tried to enjoy it, but I felt guilty, and that guilt stayed with me for a long time. The only events we were allowed to celebrate were wedding anniversaries and the memorial of Jesus’ death. This was the most sacred occasion of our year and was marked with an evening service at the Kingdom Hall on the night of the Last Supper.
During the memorial, unleavened bread and wine were passed around the congregation, but the only people allowed to taste them were the anointed. These were Witnesses who believed they are among the anointed, the 144,000 people mentioned in the Bible who have been chosen to go to heaven to rule alongside Jesus when they die. We knew a few of these and they were hugely respected and somewhat revered within the community. I have no idea how they knew they were anointed, but you couldn’t question it: if they told the elders they were one of the anointed, everyone had to believe them.
the watch tower society of pennsylvania filed a lawsuit on september 3, 2024, naming as defendants the russian federation, the russian ministry of health, and the almazov national medical research center.
unfortunately, i can't access the case documents, including the complaint.
i would appreciate if someone with an active pacer account could make them available.. anyway, it is enough to know the almazov center is one of the entities sued by the wts to say what this case is about.
Methinks Watch Tower is seeking a default judgment (maybe a ‘no show’ in a USA court by the Russia Federation) so they can pursue a claim against the seized assets of the Russian Federation.
Russia should offer to give the real estate back and have the documents prepared as such. When Watch Tower representatives are a ‘no show’ in a Russian Federation court then the subject could be moot.
On the other hand, this could be an insurance claim.
Either way this could be very dangerous for JW’s in Russia and result in an increase in persecution.
the watch tower society of pennsylvania filed a lawsuit on september 3, 2024, naming as defendants the russian federation, the russian ministry of health, and the almazov national medical research center.
unfortunately, i can't access the case documents, including the complaint.
i would appreciate if someone with an active pacer account could make them available.. anyway, it is enough to know the almazov center is one of the entities sued by the wts to say what this case is about.
i am writing to ask if anyone cares to share their experience and/or offer advice for people leaving.
i was raised in the religion, and both my parents died when i was very young.
i recently stopped associating because my conscience no longer allows me to preach or support the organization.
Try here: https://saysorry.org/support/
It was developed based on the personal experiences of many who left.
as an educated guess, the august 2024 watchtower may be delayed because 2 complicated subjects need to be discussed in this issue which haven't yet been approved to be included in the revised shepherding textbook.
perhaps the revised shepherding textbook must be finalised before this watchtower is released publicly.. the 2 subjects may be as follows:.
how to shepherd and appoint brothers based on the removal of the hour requirements, getting to know the brothers instead (does this mean prioritising appointing men who have auxiliary pioneered during the co visit and campaigns or men who are regular pioneers?).
My 'source' states that significant changes were made to a reference and historical statement relating to the role that International Bible Students Association played that needed to be amended for legal reasons. Think historical negationism. Something to do with IBSA owning kingdom halls, assembly halls, and branch building assets, and having ownership under various trust names such as The Kingdom Hall Trust.
Evidently the need arose to financially separate IBSA from the current governing body and JW/WT structure.
Time will tell.