JoinedTopics Started by RipVanWinkle
Read God's Word the Holy Bible Daily
by Nicodemus infor decades now, those words have appeared atop one of the watchtower societys buildings in new york city.. that exhortation may never have been more needed by jehovahs people themselves than it is today.
recent posts have asked good questions regarding what can or will sustain individual jehovahs witnesses who do truly love god, but who may be disheartened by various things they have seen in the organization.. it is clear to me that many witnesses spend far more time reading the societys publications than gods word itself.
one reason sometimes given is that the preparation and research has already been done for you, thus making it easier.
The Name Jehovah
by ruffian inplease can someone shed light on the claim that when the bible was originaly written it had the name jehovah in it over 7000 times but it was changed because of superstition?
how do you dispute it?
exactly where did they get that crazy version of their bible anyway?
Sin, Mercy and the Watchtower Way
by Thirdson inits strange now how i find such a huge contrast between the words of the gospel accounts of jesus and the interpretation of those words by the wts.
to me it seems there is little of the gospel jesus in the wts attitude to sinning and to sinners.. i recently reread lukes account of when jesus went to the home of the pharisee, simon.
during the meal a woman of the city, a sinner, bathed jesus feet with her tears and dried them with her hair.
class distinctions
by teejay ina question and then i will allow the reader to reflect or respond.
i do not expect to respond to any posts here.. are there class distinctions on
if so, should those of the "high class" be allowed to run roughshod over the feelings of those deemed "low class at will?".
Question for Tina
by Maximus inskimming earlier, i noticed the name satir.. i had occasion to work with a very special older woman who was an absolute delight.
she had trained with virginia satir, who is now long dead, and vs had invited her to be part of her peace group.
(starts with an a?
What is G-JOBBING for Bethelites?????????
by JT inhad enough asked :.
if you haven't already related to us the experiences at bethel that you told to your mom-in-law, (or even if you already have told us) could you tell us about what you told her.....and...what is "g-jobbing" (sorry for my naivity) .
i didn't want to take away from sl post about his mother but i thought a little insight into the world of the bethelites would be interesting this am.
by DevilsAdvocate_DA inone day, an expert in time management was speaking to a group of business students and, to drive home a point, used a illustration those students will never forget.. as he stood in front of the group of high-powered overachievers he said,"okay,.
time for a quiz.
" and he pulled out a one-gallon, wide-mouth mason jar and set it on the table in fornt of him.. he also produced about a dozen fist-sized rocks and carefully placed them, one at a time, into the jar.
? for ANY Lurker/JW
by JT inwhile you may not agree with our view of the society, will you at least address this one issue>.
as we all know words have meaning and when used in the right way can be very powerful- yet if used in the wrong way they lose all of thier meaning.. here is my question -- for over 130yrs the guys in the writing and service dept starting with russell right down to today with gene smalley, sam buck, john wischuk and all the rest of the boys up at patterson have used the following words over and over and over.
1. very shortly.
Hi! I'm new.
by RipVanWinkle ini chose the screen name of ripvanwinkle because this fictious characher went to sleep and awoke in a different world.
different setting and must have suffered emotional shock.
coping skills needed to be learned.. i sometimes feel a little like him.
What I Observed Last Night At The Kingdom Hall
by stevieb1 ini am still one of jehovah's witnesses and i still attend meetings at the kingdom hall though i am quite disgruntled over many of the society's teachings and the practices that go on in the congregation.
i have read everything about jw's both pro and con, (i have one of the largest collections of material related to jw's in europe) and i have contributed scholarly articles to the society on many occasions.
i could talk about many things but i'll just talk about what i observed last night.