Darn... I was going for really WELL..
"i expect to pass through this world but once.
any good i can do, or any kindness that i can show, let me do now, for i shall not pass this way again.
" -- unknown.
Darn... I was going for really WELL..
while much attention is given to doctrine in sites such as this, very little is noted about the watchtower societys intellectual dishonesty in its publications, especially when it comes to quotations.. oftentimes the societys writers will cite a scholar or author of some repute: "professor blank observes that blah, blah, blah.
" the reader assumes from the quotation that professor blank is in agreement with the organizations position, of course, and that the quotation chosen accurately depicts the authors thoughts.. heres the catch: the words between the quotation marks may be accurate, but the snippet may not at all faithfully represent someones actual thesis or position.
much like a newspaper ad for a movie that quotes a reviewer as saying "monumental!
Thank you for posting this information, Maximus. Researching the blood issue on the AJWRB site was the first thing that opened my eyes wide to the evil deception of the WTBTS.
Best regards,
by popular demand, i am yielding to pressure, to tell a story about our very own veniceit.. in march, venice and her parents were visiting us here in washington state, and we all had dinner at our daughter's home one evening.
(my daughter posts here as princess) princess's son, 4 years old, was quite taken with venice and was showing her around the house.
he was going up the stairs ahead of her, and turned around, face first at her rather, ummm, er, ample?
All-you-can-eat buffet for babies. Very good! Bahahahahahaha!
Back to the top this goes!
hey everyone ,.
i'm high as a kite.
it went awesome !!!!
Good work, Jurs! It paid to do your homework. I hope something very positive comes out of that situation!
"i expect to pass through this world but once.
any good i can do, or any kindness that i can show, let me do now, for i shall not pass this way again.
" -- unknown.
Ooooh... I must've hit a nerve.
"i expect to pass through this world but once.
any good i can do, or any kindness that i can show, let me do now, for i shall not pass this way again.
" -- unknown.
Ahem..... where have I heard THAT question and answer before?
RCat [8>]
here's your chance to complement a poster whose posts make you think, make you mad, make you laugh, make you cry.
i usually find something that i dig in everybody's post around these parts.
but i'll single out some peeps in particular.
Yep, see, I knew I was leaving out some! Free2B, Seeker, MAXIMUS, wow, he's a wealth of good info! I love Seeker's calm demeanor. He has a calming influence.
I hate leaving anyone out! lol I even like logical's one liners when he's not calling me an evil, nasty woman, hehe! And here's another one I almost left out: LDH! I Love everything Lisa posts! Bugeye and BugeyesWife. Okay.. I'll shut up now, lol.
happy monday!.
had no price tag.
much to her embarrassment the cashier got on the intercom and boomed out for the entire store to hear: "price check on lane thirteen, tampax, supersize.
A guy walks into a bar in Arkansas and orders a white wine.Everybody sitting around the bar looks up, expecting to see some effeminate Yankee gay person. The bartender looks up and says,"You ain't from around here, are ya??? Where ya from, boy?"
The guy says, "I'm from Iowa." The bartender asks, "What the heck you do in Iowa?" The guy responds, "I'm a taxidermist." The bartender asks,"A taxidermist? Now just what the heck is a taxidermist?" The guy replies nervously, "I mount animals."
The bartender grins and shouts out to the whole bar, "It's okay boys, he's one of us!"
the site changed but the atheist proseletyzing continues.
isn't it odd how our two norwigs compliment each other in their attacks on god and the bible?
well, simon, you now have the honor of hosting a platform for the true apostates to spew their anti-god venom.. this kind of thing is sadly typical of those who leave the wts.
Good job, Francoise.
I think the God of the bible is a Sadistic madman.
here's your chance to complement a poster whose posts make you think, make you mad, make you laugh, make you cry.
i usually find something that i dig in everybody's post around these parts.
but i'll single out some peeps in particular.
I think Riz has the right idea.. because the more I think about it, the more people I'm coming up with! lol