JoinedTopics Started by Robert_V_Frazier
"They have NEVER lied"
by Robert_V_Frazier inin this post over at carm, a jw from australia who goes by the handle "corvus" made a rather audacious claim:[the society] have never lied to, mislead or decieved anyone - they have made mistakes.. .
in response, i listed four lies that the society has made, three of which are easily investigated and proven to be lies.
1) the cover story that beth-sarim was built to house resurrected old testament saints who were coming back in 1925, when in fact, the house was built to get rutherford away from bethel.
Today's Non-Sequitur comic
by Robert_V_Frazier in.
the gb in the early, formative stage.. robert v frazier
Does anybody here have the 1982 edition of You Can Live Forever?
by Robert_V_Frazier ini'd like to get the complete text of page 179, where it used to say that the people of sodom and gomorrah would be resurrected, but in the 1989 edition, they changed their minds and said that these people would not be.
if possible, i'd like to see the paragraph before the change, the paragraph after, and all the text that is different.
i've found this much on the internet:you can live forever in paradise on earth, 1982, first ed., p. 179, paragraph 9. .
Disfellowshipped for celebrating holidays?
by Robert_V_Frazier indoes anyone know of any specific cases of jehovah's witnesses who were disfellowshipped because of celebrating any of the forbidden holidays -- christmas, easter, birthdays, etc?
i have a discussion going with a jehovah's witness who claims that he doesn't know of anyone ever being dfed over that.. thanks in advance,.
robert v frazier
WT policy of reporting abuse to authorities? 1988 letter?
by Robert_V_Frazier inin the vicki boer trial transcript, this paragraph took me completely by surprise:.
[68] one of the first things sheldon longworth did upon hearing the plaintiffs first disclosure was to consult the 1988 watchtower letter setting out the policy for dealing with cases of sexual abuse of children.
likewise, brian cairns turned to this document immediately after the december 29 meeting to determine what should be done.
JW contribution to human thought
by Robert_V_Frazier ini think i've discovered one real contribution to human thought, specifically logic, that has been made by the watchtower bible and tract society in general and every single jehovah's witness who has ever debated about the nwt in particular.. .
they've invented a new logical fallacy.. .
i thought it could use a spiffy latin tag, so i've called it the aliquis alicubi fallacy.
Are there limits to JW credulity?
by Robert_V_Frazier inaparently not.
check out this thread on carm's jw forum while it lasts. it seems some jw's found the onion's fake article on the pope forgiving the children in the roman catholic church for temping all those priests into sin, and they believed it!!!.
Child abuse, crime, and the authorites
by Robert_V_Frazier ini have said in some of my recent posts that the articles on child abuse posted at the watchtower's official website do not contain references to the police or crime.
that's not true.
i did a search on all of the child abuse articles there, and here's what i found: .
"forged" Watchtower quotes
by Robert_V_Frazier ini posted a thread about the second one at carm: (long!
the quote is not fabricated.
all the others give the correct reference, november 1, 1931 p. 327.. if you would like hard-copy of the article that quote came from, i'll be happy to fax it to you.
Bible vs JW 2-witness rule
by Robert_V_Frazier inthe watchtower and its apologists keep insisting that the bible gives them no choice but to insist on two witnesses to an act of molestation before they can do anything beyond filing a report with headquarters.
there is very clear teaching in the bible that the two-witness principle does not apply to this type of situation.
here's the text:.