Move to atlanta!
the first support group is going to meet this saturday.
if you are at all interested in attending or would like to be included in the invitation please email me!.
the first support group is going to meet this saturday.
if you are at all interested in attending or would like to be included in the invitation please email me!.
The first support group is going to meet this saturday. If you are at all interested in attending or would like to be included in the invitation please email me!
hey guys it's katie.. for those people who do not know me, i am an inactive lesbian 18 year old jw, who was df'd & reinstated.
well, i don't consider myself a lesbian- i am just a female dating another female.
call me what you will.. ok- so anyways the other night i was sad and lonely.
I was that JW-woman you talked about. I was were the need was great in the Spanish speaking circuit, regular pioneering. I had a nice four door Toyota corolla. I had a very nice leather book bag, and some nice perfectly modest suits that I would wear. I was dating a bethelite, and I traveled to quick builds to really help (I was already dating someone), I was in the kitchen crew. Almost every year I traveled to some country on holiday. When the relationship with the bethelite did not work out, I quickly started to date a ministerial servant school graduate. My best friends were the same as me, one is now a missionary gilead graduate, and the other is at Bethel.
At night Katie, and in my spare time I would day dream...and wish I had your life. My day dreams were filled with freedom, freedom to be able to decide for myself who I dated male or female spiritual or not. My daydreams were so intricate that I was in a long term relationship with a woman while attending college, and what classes I was taking in my mind.
On the outside I was a JW success, on the inside I was a failure to myself. Other JW girls who were not part of the circle above were not my friends, they would talk to me only if they had to. People would tell me they knew me, and I had no idea who they were. Girls would say to me, you have no idea what it is really like, you in your perfect little world. They never understood it was all a show. I liked being popular, and was unable to take care of myself. How I envied the other girls I saw who, like you got up and walked away.
Eventually I was able to walk away. The bubble burst. There is no perfect life Katie. If you live to all of the rules set by this organization or the rules you set for yourself, there will be problems. Life is messy. You know Katie my life is the most "perfect" it has ever been, but I think I attribute this to my age. I still am not married, and still do not have any children.
Katie you are free to email me anytime, and I will tell you more juicy tidbits about that perfect JW life.
a lot of you might think this is a question strictly for the pagans out there, but christians have had totem animals as well.
merriam-websters defines a totem as:main entry: totem .
pronunciation: 'to-t&m.
This is really odd & disgusting, but mine is a cochroach. When I was exploring what creature I had an affinity to this is the only one. I have had a (toy) cochroach collection from the time I was 14. I keep my cochroaches in a really pretty gold box. A cochroach is a survivor, it can survive almost anything...I think trait is common amoung many of us here.
everyone who lives in the atlanta georgia area we are thinking about starting a support group.
i have been searching for one, and have not been able to find anything in this area.
obed and i talked about starting one.
If nothing else we need to have a welcome back to Atlanta night out! Email me and we can chat. Hopefully we can make this group work.
If downtown Atlanta is not good for most people like joelbear, we can find a location that would suit the majority of people, maybe in a school or such place. But we need to first find out who is interested, and then make arrangments.
everyone who lives in the atlanta georgia area we are thinking about starting a support group.
i have been searching for one, and have not been able to find anything in this area.
obed and i talked about starting one.
I love my loft, they are not as expensive as you would think. As much as I love my neighborhood I would like to be able to let my dog out the back door and let him run around.
You are not that far from us. My boyfriend and I have been thinking about slowly touring the vineyards of the south-east, maybe we could have lunch some weekend and taste wines.
everyone who lives in the atlanta georgia area we are thinking about starting a support group.
i have been searching for one, and have not been able to find anything in this area.
obed and i talked about starting one.
Everyone who lives in the Atlanta Georgia area we are thinking about starting a support group. I have been searching for one, and have not been able to find anything in this area. Obed and I talked about starting one. So we have set a date of May 11th 3pm. The first group meeting will be at my house I live in Downtown Atlanta Castleberry Hill. This weekend falls in between music midtown and the loft tour.
Please email me if you would be interested in coming and I will give you directions to my loft. I think it is important to note that this will not be any kind of pro-religious support group. I am an atheist and don't appreciate being preached to. This group is for us to share our experiences and maybe work through some of the mind control issues we deal with on a daily basis as a group. I respect anyone who has decided to join another church, but that will not be the focus of our discussions.
Nicole Rodriquez
i'm now taking bets that this snippet, from today's msn news page, finds it's way into the awake!
internet 'breaks up marriages'.
by nick farrell [15-04-2002].
"it only takes a moment.
a moment of sanity.
Awesome Thread!
Sunday afternoon during the watchtower study in 1997, it hit me I don't want to live like this anymore. Why do I subject myself to this lifestyle? Is this how I want to spend the rest of my life? Or am I living this way out of some duty I felt to my overbearing mother? Do I really believe in God or just afraid of my mother? From this point on I am going to live my life the way that I want to, and make my own decisions not based on familial pressure or pressure from the congregation. I looked the study conductor in the eye, threw my watchtower on the floor and walked out.
I started to walk down the street to find a conveince store to buy a pack of cigarettes so I could throw the smoked buds at the elders and say I smoked a cigarette now disfellowship me. Decision made. My mother followed me out of the kingdom hall and begged me not to do that. I did go to a few more meetings, but that was it.
It was not a moment of this teaching is false or I have been lied to, it was a moment of clarity when I decided I will now think for myself and make my own decisions.
when you were a devout witness, what were the teachings that you couldnt accept, even though you believed most of the rest?.
heres mine:.
1. we know the bible is true, it proves itself true.