Be careful of what group you think of joining. Even amongst RR's group one can be castigated for disagreements among the body. Charles T. Russell is held in high esteem by the Bible Students. To disagree with Russell or BR. Johnson or any other BS that wrote Bible Student theology, one can be set apart from the rest.
I would have to disagree with your assumption. At least from an ABS point of view [Associated Bible Students] people have come and gone within our studies and fellowship, should they choose not to agree with us, fine, we don't kick them out, we don't ignore them or DF them, we agree to disagree, we're quite tolerant of those who have other point oif views and it makes for some interesting studies.
As to Paul Johnson, Bible Students in general are not "Johnsonites." There is a group who go by the name Laymen's Home Missionary Movement, they adhere to Johnson and his theology, they chose to separate themselves from the Bible Students with their so called new light, added to Russell's writings, they are the ones who will not tolerate disagreements.
In case RR is wondering what I mean, does Eric Martin ring a bell?
I do not know Eric Martin personally, never met him, I do know he has been banned from certain boards because of his unChristlike character, insulting people, attacking them, despite being told to tone it down, he chose to continue in his attacks and his privileges removed. Eric was a former Jehovah's Witnesses who eventually began associating with the laymen's Home Missionary Movement, adopting their way of thinking, I do know he was threatened with a lawsuit by the Laymen's because of a website he put up that had copyrighted material by the Laymen's.
What about those that have been banned from your forum, Bravenet ( now defunct) and the one you run now.
Yes, I had a forum on bravenet, and to my knowledge only four people were ever banned from it, one was reinstated. The first was a former Jehovah's Witnesses who became a born again Christian, who acted like anything but a Christian, using strong language and not open to reason, having received many complaints about him and some of the posters leaving because of this individual and after personal and public pleas for him to stop and act Christian, he was banned, I had no choice, he broke the rules of civility. The other person was Eric Martin who also acted in the same manner, and took his tirade on another board, where he was also banned, and still the other was a female, former Witness, who kept harping on living forever on paradise earth and was being too disruptive.
I have nothing against you RR, but Russell was out there in left field without a glove.
That is your opinion and you my friend are entitled to that! I as well as others feel differently.
Never take a laxative and a sleeping pill on the same night.