JoinedTopics Started by rubberducky
Robbie Burns fan
by rubberducky induring the flame wars of the past few days ive kept my head down in a safe place (lurking again).
but i feel impelled to share with you all some lines written a long time ago by robbie burns but so appropriate to our present state of affairs:.
oh wad some power the giftie gie us.
"Whoever fights Monsters..."
by rubberducky inwhoever fights monsters.... there is a quote that has been alluded to at times in the threads about pedophilia and blood and the wt societys attempts at spin doctoring and revisionism.
i felt it would be useful to read the whole quote as contained in bartlett.
it is from nietzsches human, all to human:.
TO ALL BODIES 0F ELDERS - July 1, 1989
by Kent injust a reminder to those who never did read this: .
ps: hello watchtower legal dep!
i guess you love this:.