Posts by Splash
Mobile Hotspot - JWFACTS.COM - Assembly & Conventions
by thedepressedsoul inhere is an idea i tested.
works at both assemblies and conventions.
i have noticed at the last convention and at my last assembly that when i opened up my wifi setting, tons of hotspots came up for people tethering their tablets to their smart phones.
I think for myself at least I'll keep it simple as suggested - a hotspot name but locked with a password. I have a feeling that this will actually catch on! -
An incident was reported to me at a cong near me.
by poopie inthis df persons walks up to the cood and says i would like to give you my reinstatement letter because i have been attending meetings here ,the cood says do not give me that letter i need to observe you first then you can rurn in letter i ask my friend is that something new?
the person only wants to return because they want to speak to there mother and father and siblings so thats the resl reason but now they have to sit and wait for this elder to observe them what hypocrites.
"After offering a prayer without the disfellowshipped one present"...
They really are treated as contagiously diseased individuals, aren't they!
I wonder which other religions or organisations are so abusive to ones they once claimed as brothers and sisters.
Feature request: threaded PM conversations.
by cappytan injust a feature request.
not necessary, however it's just a suggestion.. it'd be nice to have threaded conversations in the private message system so you can see what the person who replies to your message was replying to.. sometimes it's days between messages and you have to go back into your sent folder to find out what they're talking about for context.. just an idea..
Ooh, if we're making requests, a date filter on the search would be awesome!
There are so many threads and so much info on here now, searching for virtually anything brings 100's of results back from up to a decade ago.
To restrict this to the last month/6 months/year would be fantastic!
Thanks for your hard work Simon!
Mobile Hotspot - JWFACTS.COM - Assembly & Conventions
by thedepressedsoul inhere is an idea i tested.
works at both assemblies and conventions.
i have noticed at the last convention and at my last assembly that when i opened up my wifi setting, tons of hotspots came up for people tethering their tablets to their smart phones.
Suggestions for hotspot names:
Deut 18:20-22
Mt 7:15
1 Cor 7:23
Gal 2:18
Eph 4:14
2 Pe 2:1
1 Jo 4:1(Deuteronomy 18:20-22) “‘If any prophet presumptuously speaks a word in my name that I did not command him to speak or speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must die. 21 However, you may say in your heart: “How will we know that Jehovah has not spoken the word?” 22 When the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word is not fulfilled or does not come true, then Jehovah did not speak that word. The prophet spoke it presumptuously. You should not fear him.’
(Matthew 7:15) “Be on the watch for the false prophets who come to you in sheep’s covering, but inside they are ravenous wolves"
(1 Corinthians 7:23) You were bought with a price; stop becoming slaves of men.
(Galatians 2:18) If the very things that I once tore down I build up again, I demonstrate that I am a transgressor.
(Ephesians 4:14) So we should no longer be children, tossed about as by waves and carried here and there by every wind of teaching by means of the trickery of men, by means of cunning in deceptive schemes.
(2 Peter 2:1) However, there also came to be false prophets among the people, as there will also be false teachers among you. These will quietly bring in destructive sects, and they will even disown the owner who bought them, bringing speedy destruction upon themselves.
(1 John 4:1) Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired statement, but test the inspired statements to see whether they originate with God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
Intriguing - but Unsubstantiated!
by The Searcher inaccording to one source on a western european 'apostate' website, the org's plan is to abandon the name "jehovah's witnesses" in the future, and replace it with "worshippers of jehovah.". .
the gist of the account appears to be a repeat of rutherford's re-branding and debunking of old predictions made by the previous shower of fakers.
Awesome Cappytan!
“Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in association with God’s spirit-directed organization?”
"well it used to, but they don't exist anymore" -
Intriguing - but Unsubstantiated!
by The Searcher inaccording to one source on a western european 'apostate' website, the org's plan is to abandon the name "jehovah's witnesses" in the future, and replace it with "worshippers of jehovah.". .
the gist of the account appears to be a repeat of rutherford's re-branding and debunking of old predictions made by the previous shower of fakers.
As mere worshipers and not witnesses, does this mean there's no longer any need for the ministry?
*** w06 4/1 p. 24 par. 13 ‘Go and Make Disciples, Baptizing Them’ ***
"When a person becomes one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, he also assumes the responsibility to witness about his God."
What about the pride we should have in the name Jehovah's Witnesses?*** w13 3/15 p. 28 par. 15 Honor Jehovah’s Great Name ***
*** w80 2/1 p. 16 What Is Your Attitude Toward God’s Name? ***
"The year 1931 was particularly noteworthy, for in that year the International Bible Students, as God’s people were then called, adopted the Scriptural name Jehovah’s Witnesses."
"A great international, worldwide family proudly bear the heavenly Father’s name as Jehovah’s Witnesses." -
Mobile Hotspot - JWFACTS.COM - Assembly & Conventions
by thedepressedsoul inhere is an idea i tested.
works at both assemblies and conventions.
i have noticed at the last convention and at my last assembly that when i opened up my wifi setting, tons of hotspots came up for people tethering their tablets to their smart phones.
If I create an open hotspot using my mobile phone, can those who access it see anything on my device, eg photo's or device information etc? -
The six newest Kingdom Songs are all about preaching
by Splash in140. the life of a pioneer141.
searching for friends of peace142.
preaching to all sorts of people143.
140. The Life of a Pioneer
141. Searching for Friends of Peace
142. Preaching to All Sorts of people
143. Light in a Darkened World
144. It Means Their Life
145. Preparing to Preach
What ever happened to singing praises to Jehovah?
Edit to add:
It's a good job song 140 wasn't entitled The Life of a Special Pioneer -
Waco attack on Kingdom Hall
by Aprostate Exam inlocal jehovahs witnesses kingdom hall attacked, man arrested.
posted: oct 19, 2015 9:00 am mdtby anthony j. garcia.
brian oatman.
GrreatTeacher Why oh why would they go outside to try to stop the violent guy?
Classic example of what happens when you "obey any instruction we may receive whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not."
Earliest Life on Earth Pushed Back Another 300 Million Years
by cofty inresearchers have found evidence of ancient microorganisms that lived in what is now western australia at least 4.1 billion years ago.
if confirmed, the discovery suggests that life originated on earth 300 million years earlier than previously thought.
.... the ancient microorganisms in question were found trapped inside zircons formed from magma in western australia.
The earth is about 4.5 billion years old, so these organisms came just 400 million years later!