Yes, yes, yes harmony and zev...but what about your arses?? Got any cool arse tricks???
Inquiring minds wanna know!!!
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."
Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You an incredible thing to see.
my old work pal leo would do it every works christmas party.
this incredibly smart and dignified gentlemen would raise money for charity by taking bets as to how long he could clench a lighted newspaper between the cheeks of his buttocks.
Yes, yes, yes harmony and zev...but what about your arses?? Got any cool arse tricks???
Inquiring minds wanna know!!!
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."
Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You
Awwww, thanks goph! I love that song too...strangely enough, I heard it on the radio this morning on my way to school, put me in a warm fuzzy mood!
Dana (of the great taste, tastes great class )
How 'bout...
He Ain't Heavy...He's My Brother
(Bob Russell/Bobby Scott)
The road is long with many a winding turn
That leads us to who knows where, who knows when
But I'm strong--strong enough to carry him
He ain't heavy, he's my brother
So on we go--his welfare is my concern
No burden is he to bear--we'll get there
For I know he would not encumber me
He ain't heavy, he's my brother
If I'm laden at all--I'm laden with sadness
That everyone's heart isn't filled with the gladness of love for one another
It's a long, long road from which there is no return
While we're on our way to there
Why not share?
And the load--it doesn't weigh me down at all
He ain't heavy, he's my brother
He ain't heavy, he's my brother
He ain't heavy. He's my brother
this has taken a lot of courage to post.
my life with the jws has been one hardship after another.
i am sharing this to help others see that jws claim to be loving and forgiving people while they are not.
aww sweetie, don't let the dumbshits of the board get to you!!! Cassi, you truly have no responsibility or obligation to give an oaf juicy stuff to gnaw on. Your credibility is intact my dear; who else has demanded verification of others' stories?? And how many of us offer that anyway? The whole point of sharing our stories and life experiences are to receive support and understanding; for those who are unwilling and/or unable to give it to you, I say leave 'em where they lie.
Hang in there Cassi, there are many of us here who understand only too well how nightmares can be reality...
a british compliment ... your'e all soooo preposterously predantic!!.
one thing that always made me question jw thinking so much as a kid, were those 3 dots in quotes taken from professionals in the magazines.
that space i always knew was a misrepresentation of facts and it interested me highly that to verify such comments was always most difficult in that position.. that lil space i reckon was one of the reasons for my very first initial doubts at around 14. i would always go further in reading than most, past the scripture given in the body of the public talk to check out whether that was in fact what the scriptures were saying compared to the brothers comments.. hooray and cheers for a questioning mind.
No, no, no....
it's DANA, not Dotty!!
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."
Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You
this has taken a lot of courage to post.
my life with the jws has been one hardship after another.
i am sharing this to help others see that jws claim to be loving and forgiving people while they are not.
I agree with have nothing to prove to pureheart! What a crappy thing to do to someone who has opened themselves up the way you have!!
Pureheart, if you don't believe her story, fine. That's your choice. But to publicly question someone about obviously painful personal experiences??? Who the hell do you think you are??? Cassi has absolutely no obligation to satisfy your curiosity or your doubt. I'm disgusted that you would even post such a you not care about the pain you may have inflicted? Think before you type.
I like UM but have to hate the 'noles...."friends don't let friends be 'noles"...(picture a fried egg on a sidewalk: "What is this?" "This is your brain at FSU"
Best game I was ever at was when we beat Kentucky (I think!) to go to the Sugar, it was great. We'd been on probation for the years prior and hadn't been able to win the SEC championship...victory was suh-weeeeeeet!!! (Early 90's this musta been) No one left the stadium..we sang "We Are the Champions" and littered the field with little packets of totally rocked!
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."
Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You
Woohoo, Joel! I knew I liked you, dude! I LOVE the gators! Do you remember Mr. Two Bits? He's still a fixture in the Swamp. My son loves to go to the games altho my daughter thinks they're quite boring. Ahhh, but what fun to be at Florida Field on a crisp autumn day...cheering my gators on to victory..singing "We are the boys from old Florida..." (I even forgive them their sexism!)
Dana (Orange! Blue!)
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."
Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You
ok this will be my first year participating in halloween.
i grew up a jw, so have never enjoyed it as a kid or as an adult.. so, i need some guidance!.
what do i do when the little bastards come to the door?.
Woohoooooooo Expat, you go dude!!! Methinks you've been hanging out with some 'bad' association! And it's finally paying off!!
Dress up, scare some of the kids, be gentle with the small ones, and most of all:
GIVE GOOD CANDY!! As with most things in life, my dear friend, it's not size or quantity that counts, it's quality! (Anyone interested in some waterfront property, btw?)
Have fun and welcome to life!
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."
Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You
hey rem,.
i saw your post in the astrology thread and decided to start a new discussion here about keirsey.
i noticed how many people have been enjoying the silly little emode tests and immediately thought they'd really be amazed by keirsey.
Hey Xena, I'm an Idealist too! Guess we're in good company, eh??
I took the other test that Mulan posted, came out as an INFP:
You focus deeply on your values and devote your life to chasing ideals... you often draw people together around a common purpose and work to find a place for each person within the group. You're creative and seek new ideas and possibilities. You quietly push for what's important to you, and rarely give up. You might be somewhat gentle or have a good sense of humor, you could be hard to get to know and overlooked by like to make the world more in line with your vision of perfection.If you're a teenager, you probably have a bit of a rebellious streak. You might argue with others who hold different values than probably have a small close-knit group of can relax around these pals and be pretty entertaining, since you see the world in a different and special way... that's why your posts on the Storm Palace are so great!
Inner harmony is the most important thing to you. You're sensitive and loyal. You have a strong sense of honor concerning your personal values. You'd rather communicate your feelings in writing...
You do best in a flexible situation where the teacher/collegue takes a personal interest in like to interact with your peers, but not TOO much have both creativity and flexibility, and you like that about don't get bogged down by details...your job must be fun and it must be meaningful to don't wanna feel conspicuous so you'll sell yourself short just to avoid the spotlight...
You can be a gentle and subtle leader...being indirect and inclusive of don't confront people head-on, but rather work with 'em to get the job lead with your values in mind and let these guide don't like conflict, so you don't confront situations directly.. you'd rather wait for a situation to work itself out....
Leisure and kickin' back is really important to you. sometimes it is hard to separate work from play, huh? when you find a new recreational pursuit, you do a lot of reading up on it...most of your leisure things are done alone, like reading, listening to music, and even BBSing....when you want to be sociable, you can be very charming and outgoing..
Love is a very deep commitment to's not easily probably pick out flaws or are disappointed when he or she doesn't match up to your ideal as to what love should be like...first dates are very well set up to make sure everything is taken care of so it can be "just right." you might have a hard time sharing feelings about tell so many feelings inside that you forget to tell your partner that you love 'em or whatever....
If the relationship goes bad, you take it to heart, but probably don't tell many others about have a tendency to overreact, huh? Other things to watch for...don't get so caught up in your dreams that you don't consider others' might not adjust your vision to the facts of a may need a "reality check" once in a while... also, don't try to please everyone and be so hesitant to criticize... don't delay projects 'cause you're holding out for's not gonna come...don't get overly critical because no one matches your perfect ideals... you could lash out and it could get ugly.
INFP: "I Never Find Perfection"
Some of it's true, some isn't. When I took the real test a few years ago, I was right between being an I and an E; how like me! I can't make up my mind!!
"...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."
Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You