Just curious, most Yanks I meet are amazed that we eat steak an kidney pie and/or liver.Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! yes!!! Look, I try really hard to not judge people...I try to be accepting of all things different, especially when it's tied to cultural mores...but MY GOD, a woman can only stand so much!!! And let me tell ya, I don't think that lips which have tasted kidneys will ever taste me!! Course, there is that ol' admonition to 'never say never' so....Is this considered to be inedible or disgusting fare over there?
Sorry to get carried away and all that....why eating a critter's organs is different to me than eating its flesh is anyone's guess but I just can't help it!
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end...
Closing Time, Semisonic