Posts by Xanthippe

  • Lost in the fog

    The paranormal.

    by Lost in the fog in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    i know that a lot of the people on here have turned their backs on the idea of a deity deciding that god does not exist.

    but what about the unseen spirit world generally such as poltergeists, jinns, voodoo, etc.

    if you have become agnostic, atheist, or just don't care since leaving, do you think that there are spirits out there or have you decided that is also hokum?

    1. Charles Gillette
    2. Xanthippe
    3. Charles Gillette
  • Xanthippe

    Once bitten twice shy I'm afraid. People who've had their lives screwed up for decades by religious nonsense are terrified of being taken in again. That's why they won't read a single line on a website or read one book about the paranormal and then they insist there's no evidence.

    Then they wheel on the fat magician and say nobody could convince him by doing exactly what he wanted according to his 'scientific' guidelines so he wouldn't give them the million dollars. So that proves it doesn't it! I don't have to read any books or think about it. The magician says there's no evidence so that's that. Nobody wants to be fooled again.