No "freedom" is ever absolute. The question is just how far can "Freedom of Worship" be taken?
A good example of this was seen in the "Cargo Cults" which once flourished in the Melanesian islands of the South Pacific. The "Pie in the Sky" teachings of many of these Cargo Cult groups had a lot of similarities with those of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Furthermore, there were times when "The End" that was "Nigh" became so "Close" that various Cargo Cult leaders instructed their followers to abandon their food gardens - this in a society that survived on subsistence agriculture. It was at this point that the colonial authorities usually stepped in and shut down the cults who were preaching such destructive nonsense. While this could well be branded as "denial of religious freedom", it did at least prevent the widespread disastrous famines which would have quickly followed. (Talk about "dying with ones rights on!")
This very concept of a "Free Will" is a myth which was actually generated by Christian theologians.
Humans certainly have a will - but it isn't always free. Humans do make choices, but these are by no means always independent choices. Nearly every choice depends on a lot of biological, social and personal conditions which you cannot determine for yourself. These conditioned are determined in part by such things as ones gender, biochemistry, genetic makeup, family background and national culture.
Christian theologians would have us believe that we all have a "Free Will", but the Advertising Industry has always known otherwise!