I know this isn't really a funny situation, but laughter sometimes helps.
Some years ago I lost the ability to have a " normal erection" , I`m still waiting for that to remedy itself .
Grandpa and Little Johnny were out in the yard one day and grandpa wanted to keep Johnny occupied. So spotting a worm on the ground he told Johnny he would give him a $10.00 bill if he could stick the worm back in the hole in the ground. Try as he may Little Johnny just couldn't get the worm back in the hole. Suddenly his eyes lit up, and into the house he ran. Shortly he came out carrying grandma's can of hair spray. He sprayed the worm with it, held it for a few minutes until the hairspray had stiffened, and into the hole he sticks the worm. True to his word grandpa gave Johnny a crisp, new $10.00 bill
The next morning at the breakfast table grandpa hands Little Johnny another crisp, new $10.00 bill. Johnny says, "Grandpa, you already gave me $10.00." Grandpa just smiled and winked at little Johnny and replied, "That $10.00 is from grandma!"