JoinedTopics Started by tor1500
How the org will spin the Midweek meeting about Child Abuse in Australia
by tor1500 inluke 21:11 says:there will be great earthquakes, and in one place after another food shortages and pestilences;+ and there will be fearful sights and from heaven great signs.
but verse 12 says:but before all these things happen, people will lay their hands on you and persecute you,+ handing you over to the synagogues and prisons.
you will be brought before kings and governors for the sake of my name.
PS. 105:15 Anointed...
by tor1500 inthis week bible reading is ps.102-105.
i noticed in ps 105:15: saying, “do not touch my anointed ones,and to my prophets do nothing bad.".
so are these part of the 144,000?
Imitate their Faith...Joseph didn't understand why Jesus said he was in his Fathers' house (did anyone catch this)
by tor1500 inthe imitate their faith last night brought out that, never mind, i'll show you:.
question: and how might joseph have felt about his son’s words?
(in part).
What's all the whispering about...during the meetings, what are the brothers saying to one it important? & other stuff
by tor1500 injust wondering, during the meetings, what do the brothers whisper about.
at most of the meetings i see brothers coming up to other brothers during the meetings...always whispering got it i'm nosy...what is it they have to say that's so important during the meeting.
it's not just every now & again, it's all the time.... anyone here been a brother or have privy to what you whispered about ?
So can you pray for others that are not JW's ? Or only JW's
by tor1500 ini'm a witness, so i need to know...can we pray for someone that isn't a jw.
reason i ask, once a friend of mine was going for an operation.
i asked an elder could he pray with her before she goes into the hospital.
Mid Week Meeting. The book of Job....what does this teach me about Jehovah
by tor1500 inis it me or are you having a hard time commenting on what does this week's bible reading teach me about jehovah & what points from this week's bible study reading can i use in the field ministry ?
i'm having a hard time commenting because what does job show about jehovah....well, # 1 he allowed job's suffering, but he didn't let satan take his life.
# 2 what scripture could one use in the field ministry regarding the book of job...talking to a householder, see if you don't behave, god's gonna get you....or allow satan to get you.
Is this an inspired Error....Zealous or Jealous ?????
by tor1500 inthis weeks imitate their did anyone catch (if you are still attending the mid week meetings) para.
18, where elijah says,1 kings v.10 "i have been absolutely jealous for jehovah the god of armies; for the sons of israel have left your covenant....)?
the grey bible says, " i have been absolutely zealous".
The Truth is not an ORG.....It's inside of you
by tor1500 inthe truth, the org is the truth...ummm...let's think about that...i was thinking that the bible is the truth & what it does is that it reveals the truth about you...the more you read the bible the more you may see yourself & your actions.
you may be a person who judges people, the bible will show you what's wrong with that...viola, another truth revealed about you.
you may be a prideful person, you read a story in the bible about that...again, it's another truth revealed about you.
Has anyone any contacts in Australia specifically Jehovah Witnesses
by tor1500 ini hope i added this topic so everyone could read & comment.
i was just thinking, since this arc thing, does anyone here know any one in australia, that knows about the arc or how it's affecting the jw's there.
i used to go to a site that had a really nice person who is a jw, he never argued or debated, never sent back hateful comments, & he lives in australia.
Does anyone think Jehovah is protecting the org. despite all the talk about THE ARC ?
by tor1500 ini've been thinking this for a while.
even before the arc scandal.
it seems no matter what, the org.