And let’s just suppose that the “written instructions” are, theoretically, softer now.
The decision to DF, er, remove, is still entirely left up to the whims, prejudices, and perceptions of the 3 guys on the committee anyway.
In every elders school I ever attended, there was always extensive instruction on “judicial matters”. Sometimes the message was “you guys aren’t DFing enough people”, other times it was “you are DFing too many people”, but ALWAYS the message was “you guys aren’t doing it right”.
I.e. elders are left up to their whims and fancy on who to DF or not. Who cares if the August 2024 WT says that “removing” a minor would be a very rare occurrence?
The guys with their boots on the ground, the local elders, are the ones that make the call. If they don’t like the kid, or don’t trust him, or don’t like/trust the parents, then they’ll “remove” him, just as it has always been.
The WTS has been thoroughly and systematically weeding out the elders who are concerned and caring, the ones left are either too overwhelmed to care, or are drunk on their own perceived power.
As I mentioned: they’ve only succeeded in guaranteeing a worse hodgepodge of “removal” decisions than before, for absolutely no gain.