Capt'n Crunch was okay. Lucky Charms, Boo-Berries and Count Chocula were banned.
Dairy Queen was banned for a time, because it was rumoured to be made with blood products.
Scary movies, especially the paranormal genre were banned.
I watched The X-Files and Unsolved Mysteries because by that time I was a grown-ass woman and wasn't going to let people tell me what I could watch on TV after my kids were in bed.
Sports were frowned upon, except for gym class at school. After graduating, it was all "Why would you want to waste your time on exercise when you could be Pioneering™ / Going Out In Service™?"
Researching in the Bound Volumes™. I was finding inconsistencies, and was told it would be better for my Spirituality™ if I just read the current Publications™.
We couldn't watch TV shows that aired on Meeting Nights™.
We weren't allowed to buy/wear hockey jerseys for our favourite teams, because Idolatry™.
Creative writing. My mother used it to blackmail me, saying that if I didn't (Go In Service™, stop skipping Meetings™, stop having Worldly™ friends, get Baptized™ at the next Circuit Assembly™) she was going to show my short stories to the Elders™ and get me in trouble.
Really got $h@t upon when I accepted a referral from my family doctor to see a specialist to treat severe post-partum depression. "Don't tell the shrink you're a Witness™ or he'll think we're all crazy!" "They'll get you to leave The Truth™!!" and the straw that broke the camel's back: "If you turn your back on The Truth™, your three beautiful children would be better off if you took them out in the back yard and blew their heads off with a gun. That way they won't go down with you at Armageddon™ and will be Resurrected™ in Paradise™."