What the WTS is doing is "straining out the gnat and swallowing the camel". They are fixated on miniscule details that should be personal decisions and ignore the more important principles. Citizenship affords someone a legal status that landed immigrants do not enjoy in the country of residence. Just being able to travel outside the country of residence was something that my grandparents couldn't do because they didn't get citizenship in the country they emigrated to. We knew plenty of JWs who had come from various parts of the world in the post WW2 era who became citizens, and then all of a sudden they're the ones trying to tell one of my parents that they couldn't get citizenship? Hogwash. If it's good enough for them (and allows them to vacation in the Caribbean, while they expect my family to suffer through winters in Canada) it should be okay for us too.
If there's one thing I can't abide, it's hypocrisy. Just mind your own d@mn business. Nobody is breaking any laws here.