SARS is actually SARS-CoV, MERS is actually MERS-CoV, this virus is CoVID-19, and all three are different strains of the coronavirus. COVID-19 is actually a strain that came directly from the SARS virus. It is all the same virus in the same way that Avian flu, Swine flu, and Spanish Flu, and the regular yearly flus are all types of influenza. Swine Flu and Spanish flu are both H1N1 viruses but Swine flu is a strain that grew out of the Spanish flu. The two big outbreaks of H1N1 hit us a little less than 100 years apart.
The fact that SARS and MERS and COVID-19 all came from Asia makes sense because they are the same disease originating from the same place. it isn't a conspiracy and it isn't about the goodness or badness of any country. It is just the reality of viral organisms, how they live, how they operate, and how they grow, evolve, mutate, and spread.
These are not different diseases that just suddenly pop up. They are the same types of diseases that grow and evolve and mutate over time. This will happen again and again and again until or unless the diseases themselves can be wiped out completely.
We almost wiped out measles and polio because people got vaccines. People in lower developed countries didn't have access to vaccines and then people in higher developed countries decided that vaccines are bad. The diseases began to spread again and now we have to worry about these diseases as well. We did completely wipe out scarlet fever and smallpox. If people would just make good choices we could wipe out more diseases.
The first step in wiping these diseases out is learning the facts and to stop spreading misinformation.