good questions. It shows you're thinking. (But why do you acknowledge that idiot YK?)
Most of us who were dedicated to the work of the WTS have thought about reform, usually early on in our journey away from the insanity. I too was eager to work for reform at first. Now, after a few years I would answer your questions with considerable pessimism. The truth is, the JW/IBSA never had anything to do with "truth" or Jehovah, or Christ. It is all a sham, a con. You, and I, have been fooled, hoodwinked, bamboozled, etc. You will have to make your own mind up about Jehovah/Jesus/God, etc. But a little more research will reveal to you that the WTS is not associated with any benevelent God or higher power. They may reform but it will not be toward a more "godly" organization. Hopefully, it will work out as Maximus hopes and there will be adjustments in policies that will make it easier for everyone to get along with their families. But being used by Jehovah? He's not involved. That may sting at first but it is reality. Just like the reality that you will die. It's not what you were hoping for but it is going to happen. It is up to you to reform your own thinking to accept the reality of the situation. Each one will come to that in their own time. (Well, maybe not YK!)
Personally, I see no real harm in entertaining ideas about Christianity and God that cannot be irrefutably proven. God is who you make God to be, not what someone else tells you. You can entertain all sorts of ideas, even from outside Christianity, and then make up your own mind. Rest assured, God will not be dissapointed in you no matter what you adopt as your own belief. I would associate with any local church, Christian or not, if I liked the people and they allowed me to hold to my own beliefs. There is not much chance of that happening in the local JW community. I like most of the people but I can't open my mouth around them for fear I will say something that scares or angers them. If they can someday figure out how to undo all the mind control crap that the org has used up till now to control the free thinking of the brothers and sisters than there may be a chance that I could rejoin their "reformed" group. Do you think that is likely? Anyone? NOT!
So, there really is not much hope of any useful reform toward a more open and accepting organization. The mind control will continue for it is the foundation of what they are all about. They really don't care that I have lost all my family and friends. They just want to keep what they have. They don't want any of us back. And I think they are pretty confident that God is not going to come down out of heaven and destroy them. That kind of fear is for the stupid atomotons who they employ and over whom they play the master. It is a ruse. A variation on the old "hell-fire" ranchor used for centuries by their cousins the Roman Catholic Church.
My choice was to walk away. The healing moved faster after I made that decision. It has allowed me to see things I never acknowledged before about the world we live in. To be sure, the con being played by the WTS is only a tip of the iceburg. You'll want to throw everything out and start over if you're like me. But other's will suggest that you not "throw the baby out with the bathwater". Whatever you are comfortable with. But I can tell you that the Bible used by the Catholics is subject to as much criticism as is the JW's "reformed" translation. Same can be said about all the Protestant variations, and non-Christian religions as well. After experiencing the WTS not much can stand up to scrutiny. I've settled on a position that can be explained with "I'm open to anything and just about anything is possible but I'll be damned if I'm going to adopt anybody else's creed without a good fight". If I've learned anything from this it's that I'm probably not right, whatever I decide is "true", and it could just as easily go the other way, that is, whatever I decide is right. There are no good solid answers to theological questions, with the exception of that which is right for you personally.
Good luck.