Hi I'm in central IL. would also like to meet people
my e-mail [email protected]
hoping to hear from you.
Hi I'm in central IL. would also like to meet people
my e-mail [email protected]
hoping to hear from you.
sorry, ladies - i'm officially off the market!
i have pics to post, but i may experience technical difficulty.... .
-- mike
Hi married man Congratulations!!!!!! may it be
a wonderful journey in life this thing called marriage.
If I could give you one tip it would be-------------------
Always always show the love in your heart with good communication
skills-----------it is a 2 way street, you must always look both ways.
Searchin50 of the been married 42yrs class
and lovin it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edited by - Searchin50 on 7 November 2002 19:47:16
sometimes, the gender of a poster is relatively easy to deduce due to their style of posting, and, dare i say it, their choice of vocabulatory.
but sometimes it is difficult to know if you are "talking" to a man or a woman (or homosexual).
ok, right away, i hear protests of "what the heck does it matter?
I'm a 58yr. old Red headed GrandMother of five and one half,
yes natural light auburn.
i woke up a couple of weeks ago, thinking that my life would be like any other day.
i set up in bed, doing my normal focus into the world of the living and working my way into the normal day's routine.
work was normal, a few things to get done by five and a lot of things to get done by the end of the week.
Hi Kenpo----- Glad everything turned out ok.
Sorry your wife had to be upset though, sometimes it just pays off
to wait for the and results.
When is your new arrival expected ?
I'm going to be GrandMother again in Feb.
Be sure to keep us informed please,I do enjoy reading your post so much.
i was watching vh1 tonite and saw the new faith hill song, called "cry".
the lyrics to it blew me away as it said the things i wish i could say to a few people who have decided to throw me away.
mainly my dad, as many of you know.
I can very well relate to your loss,and sorrow.
Your feelings, and your tears each and every one,
you see my Father also shunned me, when I became
a Jehovahs Witness, He disowned me because I
wouldn't salute the flag,I was 12yrs old.
i have been smoking off and on for over a year,,,,,,,never smoked before this year in my life.. it all started just for the hell of it.
then as my hub and i started going out dancing and hitting the town, cig smoke was everywhere.
i would comehome with it in my hair and all over my clothes.
Hey Lyin --You know posting here that you smoke,
is not going to go over well. Because we have all these
smart folks, to tell us all about the bad things related to smoking.
As if we don't already know that. I mean come on people, who
dosen't know the side effects from smoking.
Just because we smoke dosen't make us total idiots.
We can read, write,and still do the math.
Yes I smoke, I make no excuses, hey I'm an adult now.------PLUS.
Merit Ultra Light 100s is the brand, Marlboro in a pinch.
Besides I went Trick or Treating tonight -so there
took both my grandsons, along.
People think just because you smoke, your going to
have a filthy house, well i would put mine up against anyones
in the neighborhood,the saying is you could do surgery in my
toilet, thats how clean it is.
After all i gave up the silly notion of living forever, after i left the Dubs.
anyone on here use aol instant messenger?
i would really like to chat with someone 1 on 1 about some of the concerns/questions i have regarding leaving the wts.
i saw in some recent posts the question asked if arguing scares us off... or are some of us "double agents" (whatever the heck that is) or lurkers.
i know some of the people that come to this board, used to go to the beyondjw.com boards.
if you have then you might have known dana, aka wingedgoddess01.
if you did, i am sad to report that yesterday her 14 month daughter died.
Kenpo------- Words can never express the true pain one feels at a time of sorrow.
My deepest heartfelt sympthies, to you and to this greif stricken family.
May a Band of Angels, around this family stand.
My prayers are for all-- God bless
well, i have been checking this board for a few days and love reading the comments.
i remember starting going to the meetings when i was 5 and continued till i stopped going to the meetings about 10 yrs ago......total of 25 yrs to the meetings.
i remember as a kid not being able to celebrate birthdays or stuff like that and wearing our dresses up to our knees....that was awful.
Hi fairy Welcome I REALY enjoyed your post !!!!!
Hope to hear more from you soon.
Those cliques are just awful,i know what you mean.
You have chosen a good place to have a voice in.
Thanks for sharing
(((((((((((((((((( Hugs )))))))))))))))))))
sorry to be another october babe but it is my b-day and i would really treasure some of those warm wishes.....oh how pathetic am i?
happy birthday dj
May you have many many more
you know they say life begins at 40 i agree,
it begins to go downhill !!!!! you agree?
Oct28th 1960 was friday your mother was right
she didn't fib to ya.
Searchin50 from the Dull Women Have Clean Houses Class