Hoobereus, this is what you said:
I have already presented 8 early witness to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ under Pilate (some Biblical, some secular). The crucifixion by Pilate is discussed in Encyclpedias as being historical
Now the point you said is "Secular witnesses" and there are none, these guys saw nothing they only wrote by tradition. The Secular writinngs you gave were not eyewitnesses. That makes them actually hearsay, becasue they have nothing to back them up. As far as the acts of Pilot, that is considered to be a Heritical writing by most christian sects, so how could you refer to that as a source?
As far a Jeffery Lowder saying that he beleives that Jesus was a real person, I can accept that, and may be it's true, but again the only reference that is truly accepted by most all scholars as being genuine is the reference to James the brother of Jesus, the so called Christ. Now in actuallity that is not a reference to Jesus that is actually a reference to the myth of Jesus and the passed down tradition. Again there is estimated to have been at least 20 Josuha's in the area at the time and the idea the the combination of James being a brother of a josuha is quite likely becasue both names were very common in that day.
Edit note: I posted this and then realized what I typed and couldn't edit it earlier