Maybe this is Dan... or Angelo... (An exact "copy and paste" of an actual Facebook post)
consider these experience:
A sister was reading her examining the scriptures one morning, unknown to her,she kept her door opened when she woked up that morning and went to ease herself then a thief sneaked into the house and hide under her bed,The sister began by singing a song from our song book..then the bible text for that day was ''LET THE STEALERS STEAL NO MORE BUT LET HIM DO HARD WORK...and it was supported with the bible portion that says NO THIEF NOR GREEDY PERSON WILL INHERIT GOD'S KINGDOM....after she finished she prayed and stood up from the palour leaving her bible on the table,when she came into the palour to her suprice..her bible was lost..the thief had stolen her bible...two years later the sister went to a district convention,to her greatest delight the man that was a thief has stolen her bible.sudy the bible and got baptised..then he brought the bible to the sister and told her these sister was so happy..Her lost bible won a soul...SO ALWAYS REMEMBER TO READ THE BIBLE,PRAY REGULARLY AND EXAMINE THE SCRIPTURES DAILY