This is sad. So, so sad. A little kid, dressed like some corporate boss, talking about things he knows nothing about and being brainwashed in the process.
Truly sad. Thinking about my little Baby now (she is with her mother, still in)...
i thought i was young giving one at 6 or 7 years old, now there are 3 year olds giving talks.
This is sad. So, so sad. A little kid, dressed like some corporate boss, talking about things he knows nothing about and being brainwashed in the process.
Truly sad. Thinking about my little Baby now (she is with her mother, still in)...
the guardian tues 25 march (julian borger).
"russian actions are a problem.
they don't pose the number one security threat to the united.
Say no more...
........................ ........................will jw`s be using their cell phone or tablet.. show a wbt$ video to people in the field service?!!...
........................... .................................... .. the link below:.
Outlaw: good stuff! (I don't know how you find so many good images about WT Crap).
On your OP you show a tablet with Leonardo diCaprio drawing naked Kate Winslet (one of my favorite scenes in the movie). Now THAT would sell the religion, don't you think? Going D2D and showing videos of naked ladies...
the governing body not only lies to it's members about their true history but also about life itself, worldly people and former members.. here are some of those lies that come to my mind.. .
"jw's are the happiest people on earth" -.
fact: depression, anxiety, fear of punishment, paranoia, is what jw's live with every day.
Fantastic job in putting this together. These are facts - verifiable facts - there is nothing "emotional" or "hateful" in what you wrote. Just as it is. Once you get out of the cult and start living Life again and experiencing the world for yourself many more things that we were thaugt will just dissolve into nothing. Soooo many lies, too many to list. You could take any magazine and start looking - really looking - into what they are saying it they are lying.
My mother would use that Bible verse: "You will reap what you sow" to create fear in me. But even that phrase is totally meaningless. Yes you sow tomatoes and get tomatoes. So what? What does it have anything to do with your day to day activities that are not sanctioned by the GB?
The verse is not even correct. I could sow tomatoes and get a thunderstorm and reap zilch. Or I could sow tomatoes, change my mind and sow some salads too or just destroy the whole plot and and and.......
So many things that make absolutely no sense and are useless in your day-to-day Life.
Good job William. We just private mail again. You wrote me some fantastic messages.
...that district overseers are now being used as circuit overseers!!
that was a comment at the wt study program.
another great comment was this: " you can go to bethel and have zero skills.
The Watchtower leadership reminds me more and more of North Korea:
They are one of the poorest countries in the world, like dirt poor, like in having no running water and electricity and food and stuff, but yet held EVERY year, for 3 months some kind of Olympic Summer games. I am not kidding you. The inaugural ceremony blows every Olympic Games Opening ceremony out of the water (100.000 people participate in this galactic-lick-my-arse-government-show):
The GB would love to have something similar. They also would love to govern a whole country like this. "No, Sir, we are not beating you up with a rubber stick and electrocuting your nipples, this is love, pure love from our dear leader."
a few minuites ago talking to my sister who is finally seeing the watchtower for what it is and is scrutinizing it alot brought something to myu attention that troubled my longtime jw mother dearly.
she said after reading the article about the death of guy pierce she noticed that they never refered to him as brother pirce.
she said everytime they mentioned his name they refered to him as mr. pierce.. .
Guy Pierce once visited as at the Branch (Zone Overseer) and couldn't stop talking about Hawaii and how that was his most favorite assignment. I think it took a lot of courage to be a Pioneer in Hawaii. All these surfers and people with a good Life, going out there in a polyester suit and condemning everything that is fun. I must say THAT takes guts to do.
to all congregations re: district overseers.
dear brothers:.
march 20, 2014. we are pleased to inform you of a significant decision made by the governing body that will affect the work of traveling overseers worldwide.
@snare&racket: Hahahahaha, best definition EVER for "Circuit Overseer":
The young JW's are not interested in living like a well dressed homeless person.
How true!
The DO post used to be a job for slackers. They could accompany the CO, but sometimes could also spend half of the week doing some "secret work for the Service Department" (=slacking off). I knew of DO's that would do this all the time. Take time off, pass by at Bethel and spend there a couple of days researching some "difficult matter" or discussing some "high level issues" with personnel from the Service Department (I was one of them and had to sit in with these guys). I knew what they where doing, so, more than once I gave them "special jobs" to do:
go photocopy all this stack of paper and then report back to me, BITCH.
Win-win. They where happy that they could do some "secret branch work" and have three fine meals and I was happy because I didn't have to listen to their bullshit stories. I was a happy Service Department secretary. Could bitch slap DO's and they even thanked me!
to all congregations re: district overseers.
dear brothers:.
march 20, 2014. we are pleased to inform you of a significant decision made by the governing body that will affect the work of traveling overseers worldwide.
Less apartments, less cars and less "maintenance costs". Cost saving measure = simplification Made by Jehovah©
Now, kids go and watch the Video again about "serving in Jehobers organization". Best career move of your Life, I swear.
not sure when i came to this conclusion but i can't imagine living forever.
after a while i think i would be completly bored with everything.. not saying i wouln't like to live for a few hundred years or maybe even a few thousand if i could travel through space and discover other universes star trek style.
but the thought of living forever sounds like it would eventually become a complete drag.. maybe i'm wrong, maybe after a thousand years or so you would foregt all the stuff that happend at the beginning and just start over in an infinite loop..
That is what I meant. I have been working on this for the couple of weeks/months. It is not easy as our mind is always trying to put us again and again in the thought process of "yesterday" and "tomorrow", but I am able to stay more and more just in the flow of the present moment. The only reality you actually have and even if that sounds strange, you are able to defeat time. You become timelesss, because time is only a concept in our mind. A human "made-up" concept. The cosmos has different time "measurements". In reality any measurement is arbitrary and only exists because we define it. Time measured in years is a concept based on the movement of the sun in relationship to earth. Think about it. Standing on the moon or any other planet would change that measurement.
You experience time in your mind. I don't want to derail the thread or become all too philosophical here, but you get the point.
If you life in the NOW and HERE, time ceases to exist. You actually are able to experience eternity. You defeated the concept of time.
It is a fantastic feeling by the way. Standing on that "razor-thin"-line of the NOW, the present and being conscious of that.
didn't see any other threads, apologies if one already exists.
apparently died of a massive stroke this morning.. r_o.
(completely unconfirmed.
@neverendingjourney: That is why JWN is so valuable. We all where the same and it feels good to meet other people here that acted and thought the same and came to the same conclusion.
I remember how everybody back home would approach me and wanted to know as much as possible about the GB. It made me uncomfortable and uneasy, because it was blatantly evident that people where worshipping them (unconsciously). My mother would hunt down any talk given by a GB member around the Globe and request it as a tape. She accumulated a huge collection of GB talks on tape and would hear them all day long and repeat ad nauseum. Sometimes you could notice how they would contradict themselves over time.
The only person I ever admired and I always looked forward to go out in service was a old German brother from our neighborhood congregation (in Germany). He was a concentration camp survivor (had the number tattooed to his forearm). A down-to-earth and simple man that hated the worshipping of persons.