We must also say that the process of misappropriation is much darker and abominable than the misappropriation of funds, lets say from a company or organization. Within the frame of a religious entity it takes a deeper emotional toll on people.
If your business partner takes funds away, uses them for another purpose and comes up with a bullshit explanation you have tools and ways to face and cope with the situation. It is clear what happened and you can take the case to court or settle the matter. You know what happened here.
Not so much with the greedy Watchtower, that, let's not forget disguises herself as a religion. People feel helpless and simply cannot do anything against the wrongdoing, because it puts them in a position where they think that God would punish them - they are rising their hand not against the organization but against Jehovah. This takes it to another emotional level!
That is why you will never see such things (or even pedophilia cases) being handled and properly addressed.
In my time at the different Watchtower offices there was not even ONE case of crack down on misappropriation of funds by the "inner circle", but plenty of cases where the Service Department hounded elders and disfellowshipped them because they considered that they used funds for the "wrong purpose" (aka: not giving it to mother and instead using them to fix something at the Hall or helping some poor and even sick brother at the Hall!).
Believe me (I was there!) the Watchtower doesn't joke around if you touch their money - for whatever reason! The other way around? No problem, the Governing Body decided so and they are Gods mouthpiece. So, shut up and swallow it.
Just as a side note: in many countries, like South America and also Mexico the accounts are kept at the Branch - exactly because the Borg doesn't trust the local elders and fears "long fingers" in their coffers. So, they just move it internally from one account to the other, but physically they get to keep all that cash in physical bank accounts with the Watchtower name on it - ready for investment purposes and also gains of interest! It doesn't matter if the money belongs to you - as long as THEY can handle it for you, because in the meantime it becomes "play money" for them.