Watchtower apologetics, Alt Right pundits, medical misinformation and conspiracy theorists.
It is sad what this board has become.
( or maybe I didn't actually say that, it is just a conspiracy ).
for jws who believe that jehovah had a hand in reviving the truth in the nineteenth century this is enough explanation for how jws managed to achieve a closer approximation to early christian beliefs and practices than other groups.
but is there an explanation for this phenomenon that doesn’t rely on supernatural intervention?
new testament scholar james dunn explains the difficulty of interpreting the biblical texts in this way:.
Watchtower apologetics, Alt Right pundits, medical misinformation and conspiracy theorists.
It is sad what this board has become.
( or maybe I didn't actually say that, it is just a conspiracy ).
i find it amazing that the wtbts says that you should refuse blood, even if it could save your life.. look at the apostle paul.
he knew the injunctions of acts 15 - yet by his own admission in his letters to the corinthians admitted that he bought meat sacrificed to idols and ate it.
so would he have refused this meat if he were about to die of hunger?.
So if I am in the middle of a kidney dialysis and I have to shut the machine off because I have to go poop really really really bad, that means Jehovah with destroy me.
Its all in the bible, trust me. No need to fact check anything I am saying.
I am absolutely love to be fucking insane. I read old threads and the discussions form 15-20 years ago and ever since covid and this right wing algorithm , this place is just a sewer.
i find it amazing that the wtbts says that you should refuse blood, even if it could save your life.. look at the apostle paul.
he knew the injunctions of acts 15 - yet by his own admission in his letters to the corinthians admitted that he bought meat sacrificed to idols and ate it.
so would he have refused this meat if he were about to die of hunger?.
Last night we had some half wit in full martyr mode taking about blood transfusions and dying for god and it got me thinking about the story of Paul and the meat Sacrificed to Idols . I am not even sure the Paul took Acts 15 very serious but I am supposed to commit suicide over this.
The obvious context was gentile Christians remaining Kosher in the presence Jewish christians in the first century.
When you really distance yourself from it, it all looks so very very smart and dangerous.
This board is an absolute joke. No wonder no one posts here anymore.
say it ain’t so!
in one sense it’s a no brainer because the figures just don’t add up any more.. in another (negative) sense it’s a no brainer because it’s been fundamental to jws since year dot and might undermine the whole thing?
After spending a lifetime reading about different interpretations of the book of Revelation the only define conclusion I have drawn is it is really stupid to draw core dogma from it. It is more important to not be an asshole.
today's news included a small story about a libertarian post on x that endorsed the murder of vice president harris.
when there was outrage:.
demands for investigation after nh libertarian party shares threatening harris (
I live next to an empty school which has become kind of a multi-purpose building in the community. During the covid protests ( Canada) , there was this church that set up in the building. They had a sign on the door " No masks or social distancing allowed ". They were just begging for a fight with the health authority. They knew if they would have made the news, there would have been double the people in the door next week. More people, more money in the collection plate. All the sermons were political nonsense " the laws of god were more important than the laws of man blah blah blah ". Luckily the police and health authority just ignored them.
The government then removed all restrictions ( not that anyone was really paying attention anyway ) and within three weeks the church was gone. As person who was dragged off to the Kingdom Hall every Sunday and Tuesday against my will for first 18 years of my life, I felt like hunting down each one of those right wing cocksuckers and tell them to get there ass to church.
It still pisses me off thinking about it and how fake it all was. All this libertarian stuff is so weak.
don't understand....but this crisis in ukraine seems to be getting out of control....i mean, everybody knows how to start a war..... by the way, as always, people at the borg are having a field day.....
Russia has 8 million males for the ages of 20-29. The prime military fighting age.
Russia does not have a limitless pool of men to invade Ukraine much less Europe. Half the reason Putin launched this war because this is the last generation that might be capable of creating something like the former Soviet Union. What makes the situation even worse is the majority are not even ethnic Russia anymore.
here’s a cautionary tale for anyone counting on past ties with jehovah’s witnesses to dodge conscription: they’ll throw you under the bus faster than you can say “conscientious objector.” a man in ukraine learned this the hard way after refusing military service and hoping his old religious connections would save him.
spoiler alert—they didn’t.
My great parents came to Canada in the 1930’s from the Ukraine, escaping “ the Holodumor “ . Stalin and his man made famines. They moved out west during the Great Depression and were poor. Poorer than they were in the Soviet Union. When asked if he regretted moving to Canada and he also said not for a second. I can go to bed at night and not have to worry about a knock on my door from the secret police and to never be seen again.
I really wish people could fathom how stupid some of the comments there comments on this subject really are.
here’s a cautionary tale for anyone counting on past ties with jehovah’s witnesses to dodge conscription: they’ll throw you under the bus faster than you can say “conscientious objector.” a man in ukraine learned this the hard way after refusing military service and hoping his old religious connections would save him.
spoiler alert—they didn’t.
Russia is a country of 144 million but only have 8 million men from the ages of 20-30. The demographics of Russia is just terrible. One million have been killed or wounded. One million have fled the country. They have more deaths each year than live births.
The Russian army currently consists of fetal alcohol country bumpkins, immigrants, prisoners, homeless people, drug users , ethic minorities. Once the middle class blue eyed blond haired Slavs of Moscow and St. Peterburg are called up in mass, there will either be a regime change in Moscow or a negotiated settlement. The power base of Russian supports the war in theory but don’t want their children in die in. It is hardly the great patriotic war.
Most military analysts believe Russia is about three years away from this point. The course is making sure the Ukrainians defend static positions and have the bullets and shell to defend themselves. Let the Russians piss away a generation of young men till they are no longer a threat to the west or world.
The idea that Russian can out spend or resource the West is not going to happen.
here’s a cautionary tale for anyone counting on past ties with jehovah’s witnesses to dodge conscription: they’ll throw you under the bus faster than you can say “conscientious objector.” a man in ukraine learned this the hard way after refusing military service and hoping his old religious connections would save him.
spoiler alert—they didn’t.
The story of the Ukraine is after gaining independence in 1991, the country remained a Russian puppet state and the poorest country in Europe. In 2014 the people elected a more pro western government wanting some of the prosperously of some Baltic states and former communist countries of Eastern Europe. Putin has a very small penis and has been fucking with the country either since.
To say Russia didn’t want NATO on its borders is total bullshit because Russia already has the Baltic states and now Finland on it border.
Russian propagandists have found Right Wing Pundits in the west to be useful idiots because all they sell it devil's advocate narcissists and rage baiting. A phenomenon they discovered with Covid. Everyone thinks they have peaked behind the curtain and thinks they know more than they do.
There is no reasonable justification for this war. Putin is an asshole and needs to be stop.
As for the unwinnable part, Ukrainians have been killing Russians at a much higher ratio than the difference in populations. Perhaps at a ratio of 7 to 1. Although a terrible lost of life , the fact the line has held for nearly 2 ½ years makes you realize that Ukrainian victory is not totally out of the question.