Dan 2.....
Way funny, I'm going to try a few of those, (if I ever get called on). I especially like the chalk outline......Hahahahaha
JoinedPosts by Shaneliza
How to get rid of jehovah's witnesses
by bboyneko 2 inhow to get rid of jehovah witnesses .
--when you open the door and there's one there saying, "hello, i'm.
collecting for the jehovah's witnesses...", interrupt them and say,.
Holidays: Do you celebrate?
by Vitameatavegamin ini smell something burning; oh, just me thinking again!!.
anyway, one thing i always missed were the holidays-christmas especially.
i know that this is an unproven celebration to say the least, but i have always loved the warmth and beauty of this holiday, although very commercialized in this day and age.
My first Christmas after I was df'd was so exciting. In fact, I couldn't wait until Christmas morning to open presents, so I made my then boyfriend (now hubby) open the presents one minute after midnight. Christmas morning I was so disappointed there were no presents to open. I've never done that since. Now I start decorating the house on the first of December. All my regular nic-knacks get boxed up and all the Christmas stuff goes up. There are lights everywhere, decorations from top to bottom the tree sparkles , I watch all the Chritsmas shows I can, play holiday music, the whole works. I celebrate all the holidys, but Christmas is my absolute
favorite. -
Here to vent !!!!!!!!!!!
by jurs inhello to anyone who cares,.
i am in the fowlest of moods.
last week i started cosmetology school ( i love it so much ), anyhow who did i see there but another sister from my kingdom hall.
I live in a small town , and at one time I worked in the grocery store. Most of the JW's in town knew I was Df'd. When they were ready to check out their groceries, they would stand in any lane other than mine. It didn't matter if the line up was long or not. So what did I do? I would walk out around my till and invite them to come to my lane. (Of course this was done with the utmost professionalism hehehe.) And since is is imperative that you speak with the customers, I would chat non-stop while ringing through their order.
I say kill em' with kindness.
Memorial ultimatum
by Ranchette ini recieved this email and thought i'd share:.
i heard a piece of gossip the other day from a friend in california that i thought was outrageous and right on par for the borg.... it seems a 20-something sister in a southern calafornia congregation has dedided she is one of the annointed much to the chagrin of her elder body.they have tried everything to disuade her from this path.in a last ditch effort to come up with arguments against her, the elders'wives were sic'd on her and they came up with a piece of information that they felt would be useful...it seems this sister is also pregnant with her first child and is very much looking forward to breast-feeding.so the brothers told her that if she wants to partake at the next memorial she can't breastfeed---because the wine would transfer to the milk and the baby is not annointed!this sister is heart-broken,she feels she must choose between her motherly obligation and her spiritual one!.the advice i passed on to her via my grape-vine was to think long and hard what decision she might make if for some reason her baby needed a life-saving blood transfusion...if the borg won't let her take a sip of wine it will surely not let her save her childs life with a transfusion!.
That is quite possibly the dumbest thing that has ever spewed from the BORG.
To All Here..... just a question....
by 7robert7 ini'm just curious as to how many ex-witnesses here still believe in the god of the bible ?
and how many, due to the societies teachings have given up on god all together ?
I don't believe in God either. My thoughts are he was made up by early man, because they didn't understand the scientific world around them. I think the Bible is just a story, written by man, conceived by man. Kind of a how-to book with life lessons and morals thrown in. Can we find good council in the Bible? Certainly we can. Do I think it's inspired by god? Nope.
Newbie - missing friends - need advice!
by JW83 ini've been out for a year and miss a couple of my friends a lot.
someone told me a saying yesterday, though, that some friends are for a reason, some are for a season and some are for a lifetime.
i'm usually not into corny sayings but that one made me think.
Hi Jayne welcome to our board,
When I left at the age of 18, I too missed the friends I had made, and it wasn't easy losing my family either. I felt like I had been dropped off in a new country where I didn't know anyone or speak the language. As I looked around I found that the 'worldly' people were no different than I. I made friends at work, and found out who I really was in the process. You will miss your friends who are still in the 'truth'. But you will also discover a freedom you never thought possible. Hang in there, some days will be tougher than others, but all the good people who post on this board have been through this one way or another, and we are here for you. -
The dreaded conversation.......
by LDH inwell, it happened.. just this morning i was talking to my aunt, a life-long book sales rep for the wbts.
she asked me, "lisa, do you ever think you'll come back?".
i replied, "come back to what?
When I was eight months along with my first child, my mother called to tell me that if I didn't come back in 'the truth', my baby would die. What kind of thing is that to tell a pregnant woman? It seems they will stoop to any means to drag you back in.
How the Grinch stole innocense
by bboyneko 2 infound this at greatcrowd.com.
[quote]my four year old zach, loves saying the prayer at night.
i would have to help him along and he would copy me.
It makes me want to scream how that mother can be so proud of the fact that her 4 year old child has apologized for two weeks. No child should be that worried that they've done something so bad that they have to repent for it over and over. This is child abuse, plain and simple. Bruises will fade but emotional abuse you carry with you for the rest of your life. My heart hurts for that little boy. Some women should not have children.
Which Disney Character are you most like?
by closer2fine injust for fun!!!
my friend sent this to me.
Cinderella !!!!
It made my day that I'm not Goofy or Dopey. -
by You Know in"all things are continuing exactly the same as from creation's beginning" is the thinking attributed to those ridiculers of christ's presence.
because the sign of christ's invisible presence must be accepted on faith and faith is not a possession of all people, faithless ones are willfully blinded to the evidence that the system is nearing its hour of judgment.
in this the 2nd week of august 2001, the evidence steadily mounts that apostate ridiculers of jehovah's word are very badly mistaken and about to be spanked with a very large paddle.
You Know,
Shut up. You're an idiot.