For those who get confused with the idea that we want to be welcoming and tolerant while also occasionally booting people ...
This is intended to be a discussion forum. It's to share ideas, opinions, debate, cajole, support, all the things that give us different insights into the world and the people we share it with.
But that doesn't mean that we will tolerate and welcome people who just see it as a free dumping ground for their copy-paste preaching, who just want back-links to their videos, and free hosting for their delusions, for people who don't want to hear any other opinion, who don't want to listen or engage in any discussion but just want to talk. Especially when what they want to say is the same meaningless and endless drivel and bible-quotes regurgitated over and over.
The inevitable characteristic is also that they are unable to self-regulate. Shared your opinion on a subject? Great ... still have topics or posts available that day? Share it again, and again, and again ... (seems to be how their brains function)
If that's you, know that we hate you and so does Jesus and his dad ;)
For those who can't grasp nuance, it doesn't mean that people can't discuss religion, belief, the bible, or whatever else - as long as it's a discussion, and not a sermon or recruitment drive.