JoinedPosts by simwitness
WTS Chronology(Oslo Hypothesis) from Vicar;Trinity College Fellow,Cambridge
by Gamaliel ingamaliel report, september 2003: .
the source of the 606 and 607 bce date for nebuchadnezzar's destruction of jerusalem was originally based on misunderstanding ptolemy and some poor biblical exegesis.
interestingly, a lot more jehovah's witnesses are now aware of second adventist origins for c.t.russell's ideas.
The Holy Bible proves its inspired accuracy again...
by Derrick inagain and again the holy bible has proven its inspired historic accuracy.
check this out:
I have been enjoying this thread, as I do all threads were alanF, littleToe and others debate freely a topic, but I would like to address my thoughts on the questions, or "facts" that Derrick posted:
All scripture is inspired of God and beneficial to all. The Holy Bible was written by men who freely gave themselves to the task of its writing because God inspired them.
The "Holy Bible" as we know it today was not written by men. It was compiled by men. The "Holy Bible" is a collection of independant stories/writings. The stories/writings that were used were written by men, and later determined, by men, to be inspired. It is my opinion that those "inspired men" that wrote the various books were doing it as a cause to history, or the passing of stories, and had no inclination that there writings would outlive them to gain the status of "inspired of god" writings.
Beyond that, one has to truly qualify what "inspired" means, and what that qualification to a writing gives it. I have heard many an inspired story, by many people.
What still amazes me about this "collection of inspired stories" is what is left out of it. We have writing attributed to actual apostles/disciples (Thomas) that was left out. Who are we to say that those writings are of less inspiration than those that were included? Why were some of Paul's letters placed as inspired and included while others were not? Were you aware that the book of Revelation was debated on as to it's inspiration? What was the goal of the Nicean council when it voted on the canon? what happened to the dissenters? Who formed the council and for what pourpose?
Do you really think that the person that wrote the scripture "All Scriptures are inspired..." was really reffering to his OWN writings? Or even other writings that were floating about at the time?
The global flood was not a local event. Water covered all landmasses worldwide, drowning all except Noah, his family and the life they brought aboard the seaworthy vessel. God inspired Noah and his family to build this vessel and they carried this project our as an act of faith. (Yes, I agree that Christians need faith in the things unseen until revealed as reality.) If anyone has seen the movie "Waterworld" (well worth renting IMO) the flood in the days of Noah was that catastrophic and worldwide of an event.
The Global flood was a non-event. If the story serves any pourpose it is about putting faith in god and his abilities. But face it, if God was all that powerful, would he really have needed to drown the evil? Couldn't he have just waved his hand and "poof" the evil was gone? The story serves as a warning to those that don't listen to "God's spokesperson" (in this case Noah) that they will be punished for not listening to a hard to believe story.And anwer this for me, please. Exactly how are we to determine who God's Spokepserson is? By their (the person's) word alone? This is exactly the reasoning that has enslaved men to the church for centuries.
At some unknown point in time God's glorious kingdom will reign supreme over the entire universe and through spacetime, and those who insist on following Satan and his demon angels will be destroyed.
Great, well that all nice to believe in. Personally, I think God would want me to worry about what I do in the here and now, and not be spending all of my time worrying about "some unknown point in the future". Isn't that the real poiint of the parables?
"The soul of the flesh is in the blood..."
by Earnest inthe reader's digest of september 2003 has an article on near-death experiences (pp.94-100).
these involve people who have been clinically dead but have revived and reported a sense of consciousness during the period they were "dead".
this has often been cited as evidence of life after death.
In recent years some medical researchers have speculated
was as far as I needed to read to realize two things:
1. The Reader's Digest is _not_ worried about real research.
2. That many, many people still speculate about what happens "when we die"...
With this kind of research and "Scholarly" backing, is it any wonder that alot of Witnesses read the Reader's Digest? -
"The soul of the flesh is in the blood..."
by Earnest inthe reader's digest of september 2003 has an article on near-death experiences (pp.94-100).
these involve people who have been clinically dead but have revived and reported a sense of consciousness during the period they were "dead".
this has often been cited as evidence of life after death.
In recent years some medical researchers have speculated was as far as I needed to read to realize two things: 1. The Reader's Digest is _not_ worried about real research. 2. That many, many people still speculate about what happens "when we die"... With this kind of research and "Scholarly" backing, is it any wonder that alot of Witnesses read the Reader's Digest?
What was Fullfilled in 1975?
by refiners fire inas we all know, the lord jehovah causes expectation to arise regarding certain dates.
these expectations have usually resulted in the members of the organization, erroneously, expecting the apocalypse to arrive on those dates.
1914 was such a year.
Ahh, yee of little faith...
My friends, you have forgotten that a most important prophecy was indeed fullfilled in 1975, one that even the watchtower misses in it's very importance.
It seems that Christ himself was the propheseyer of this very prophesy, and that the watchtower bible and tract society sought to fullfill it even in it's own attempts to ignore it...
Let see, how did that prophecy go??
Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am he,' and, 'The time is near.'
And what were the instructions about these many?
Do not follow them.
And the world rejoiced as they realized the simplicity of this fullfilled prophecy, and the implications for all... -
The New World Translation
by MrsQ incan anyone give me an explanation of how the nw translation came about?
who, exactly, were on this bible translation committee, and what were their qualifications?
when was it first published?.
I am glad to see that scholar has chosen to continue his illfated 607 discussion here, but I want to comment on this first...
Scholar said:
You ask about the NWT which is without the slightestdoubt the finest translation ever made. The translation was produced by anointed brothers under the guidance of holy spirit. The translation however was not inspired by God and is not infallible but its accuracy is astonishing in pushing the boudaries of biblical scholarship.
So, The translation was produced by "annointed brothers" under the "guidance of the Holy Spirit" but IS NOT inspired of god or infallible.
Then I ask you scholar, what good does that claim do? Basically you have built up, and destroyed, your own argument for why it's "accuracy is astonishing"... jees... you just said it wasn't infallible! IMHO, if the "Guidance of the Holy Spirt" leave us with a fallible, and "non God inspired" translation, what good did it do? More or less, you just stated that a group of men did their best to create a "new" translation of the scriptures... Wow, I must state just how impressive that really is.
How is that any better,. or worse, than other "translations"?
Now, on to your most basic, and consistent argument for accepting the 607 date:
The society under the guidance of holy spirit and holy writ has determined that 607 is the only possible choice and we can all thank Jehovah and his Son for this amazing understabding.
Is this the same "fallible" holy spirit, and not "God Inspired" that helped with the translation? Keep in mind that the "holy writ" that you speak of was translated by "fallible men" without Godly inspriation.
So, when the Society finally fesses up and rethinks it dates and says it really was 586/7 for jerusalam's fall. What will you do then? Will you look back on this and think "wow, all those others were right after all"?
(Of course, if this ever happens, they will have to adjust when they were proclaimed the "Faithful and Discreet Slave", but since moving it by 20 years puts it at 1935. But since that was when heaven was "sealed" it actually fits quite nicely. (another "non god inspired" but guided by the "holy spirit" proclamation).
One last thing, Scholar... Please post your "3 column" line of evidence thing for proof of 607. As many times as you have told others to do it, I have never seen you post yours.
Furuli's New Books--Attempt to Refute COJonsson
by ros ini just heard that the norwegian watchtower apologist, rolf furuli, who esteems himself a biblical scholar of semetic languages, has completed the first of two volumes he plans to publish on the societys chronology, assyrian, babylonian, egyptian and persian chronology compared with the chronology of the bible.. title of this first volume is: persian chronology and the length of the babylonian exile of the jews.. i hear that although carl olof jonsson is not mentioned by name, or reference made to his book "gentile times reconsidered," it is nevertheless apparent that these volumes are an attempt to refute jonssons excellent study which has exposed the watchtowers 1914 date as total folly.. .
the book can be ordered now from furulis new personal website:.
You are the one suggesting that the word has a different meaning here than it does elsewhere. It is up to you to provide evidence to that affect beyond supposition and your "belief". The burden of proof is upon you, not I.
In addition, As Marjorie has already shown, the evidence has already been presented that proves the other point (which is that malkut means kingship or reign, but not vassalage, and that there is atleast one other word that Daniel could have used if he indeed meant vassalage).
You also state:
SDA chronology has very little in common with WT chronology but is the foundation for the Jonsson hypothesis because of its many exegitical similarities. You express concern about my lack of definition, well, there is not much room for dogmatism in biblical chronology because there is very little consensus about such matters, An example would be that there is no agreement about the seventy years and the date for the fall of Jerusalem. So, you have big problems if ypu reject the straight forward WT chronology.
If there is "no room for dogmatism in biblical chronology", then what business is it of the Watchtower's to require it's members adhere to a chronology that is not supported anywhere but in the watchtowser's literature?
There is agreement, among many, about the fall of Jerusalem, it just doesnt agree with what the Watchtower claims it to be.
I'll admit that I do not know the particulars about the "SDA Chronology", but I do know the roots of the organization, and they are common with the Watchtower's.
I agree with your statements about "Language is Language"...but then, that's the simple way, isn't it?
I'm not a scholar, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. -
Furuli's New Books--Attempt to Refute COJonsson
by ros ini just heard that the norwegian watchtower apologist, rolf furuli, who esteems himself a biblical scholar of semetic languages, has completed the first of two volumes he plans to publish on the societys chronology, assyrian, babylonian, egyptian and persian chronology compared with the chronology of the bible.. title of this first volume is: persian chronology and the length of the babylonian exile of the jews.. i hear that although carl olof jonsson is not mentioned by name, or reference made to his book "gentile times reconsidered," it is nevertheless apparent that these volumes are an attempt to refute jonssons excellent study which has exposed the watchtowers 1914 date as total folly.. .
the book can be ordered now from furulis new personal website:.
scholar also said:
Of course in the NWT may well render malkut differently but I have not bothered to examine these examples because I do not believe it is important. My exegetical focus is on the uses of the term in Daniel. One must get that right before jumping all over the place and losing sight of the ball.
Language is language... if you don't compare ALL of the examples you cannot possibly come up with a meaning for a word, or even the implications behind it. You are stating that "in this case, malkut means something that there is no other example of"... that's called special pleading... back it up with evidence that it was in fact used in that way elsewhere, or realize that it must have the same meaning as used everywhere else. Especially in light of the fact that there are other words that could have been used that do/did convey the meaning you think was intended here.
A true scholar would realize this.
Furuli's New Books--Attempt to Refute COJonsson
by ros ini just heard that the norwegian watchtower apologist, rolf furuli, who esteems himself a biblical scholar of semetic languages, has completed the first of two volumes he plans to publish on the societys chronology, assyrian, babylonian, egyptian and persian chronology compared with the chronology of the bible.. title of this first volume is: persian chronology and the length of the babylonian exile of the jews.. i hear that although carl olof jonsson is not mentioned by name, or reference made to his book "gentile times reconsidered," it is nevertheless apparent that these volumes are an attempt to refute jonssons excellent study which has exposed the watchtowers 1914 date as total folly.. .
the book can be ordered now from furulis new personal website:.
Scholar said:
By the way I have no problem with SDA chronology as it was the source of my interest some thirty yeras ago and is probably the foundation of the Jonsson nonsense.
You realize the folly of your statement, right? The SDA is an offshoot of the Millerites and other early Adventist groups Which include Charles T. Russell and the BIble Students (which of course, later became the Jehovah's Witnesses).
So, The SDA chronology is not "probably the foundation of the Johnsson nonsense" but instead shares the same foundation as the Watchtower nonsense.
Secondly, can you ever be definitive about a statement? Every answer you give is "probably" this and "maybe" that, and a lot of "it seems to be"... If you are such a scholar, you should atleast be able to use more definite terms.
Apparently you need to go back to debate class and learn how to present your "facts" better. You have called to the carpet on every reference you've sited, and you have been proven wrong in each and every case.
You've lost this round, as you have lost all others.
New Illinois Sex Law - Its a Killer
by Amazing inthe governor of illinois just signed into law new legislation that says that anytime during sexual intercourse, if a woman (or man) says stop, then the other person must immediately stop ... or ... they can be charged with rape ... okay ... .
so, i can see it now ... a partner is reaching orgasm and the other person says ... stop ... yeah ... okay, that's the law in illinois ... .
oh, i understand the foundation of the law ... and i suppose it has its good purpose ... but ... .
IMHO, if the party of the second part decides they want to stop, the party of the first part will probably already be aware that there is an issue... I doubt the decision would be in the "thoes of passion".... it will have already been fairly obvious that the party of the second part is "not happy", and if the party of the first part is at all concerned with the 2nd parties feelings, they will stop.
However, that being said, I forsee alot of he-said/she-said arguments, and a burden of proof problem.
I thought you said "Don't Stop".
But I said "Stop"!
yeah, but it was preceded by "Don't"...
Give me a break people, Yes, anyone can decide to change their mind at anytime, but we do not need more unenforcable rules for people that just want to "get even" with others to take advantage of.