are you serious in your statement here?
Not one poster on this board has provide a shred of secular evidence that only supports 586 or 587. I have repeatedly asked for one piece of evidence and all I get is smoke and mirrors.
really, if you are, I suggest you seek proffesional help, as not only this very thread provided a couple of pieces of secular evidence, both threads I linked provided evidence, and countless others have provided evidence. Perhaps you have a memory problem, since you seem to forget these things so quickly.
Beyond that, what does it matter wether or not we have provided any evidence in support of our date? We have asked you to provide any secular evidence that supports 607 as the date of Jerusalem's destruction. You keep deflecting that back, when you have said that 607 is supported. Please show us that support.
As to this statement:
I have provided evidence for 507 begiining with Stage One namely the Nabonidus Chronicle will clearly attests to the date for the Fall of Babylon. I will not comment on Stage 2 or 3 until the contrary position is stated.
You have not shown any secular evidence as to the destruction of Jerusalem , you have only provided a date for Babylon's destruction, and a biblical interpetation for how that applies to Jerusalem's... that is not "secular evidence for the date of 607".
Either admit that you have no evidence, as you have never supplied any, or provide some.
Have a pleasant day.