Dumb question:
As the age of the population sample increases, wouldn't the mortality rate for that sample also increase?
Surely it would not stay steady.
ok, here are the faithful slave class calculations, incorporating their substitues and the substitutes' substitutes.
a bit dull and heavy (hello, larsguy!
.......), but based on population statistics and mathematics.. in 1935, there were 52,465 proessing to be of the remnant.
Dumb question:
As the age of the population sample increases, wouldn't the mortality rate for that sample also increase?
Surely it would not stay steady.
does anyone have a copy of the watchtower 1/1/89 (not the bound volume).. i am willing to pay for an original copy.. "as every one knows, there are mistakes in the bible" - the watchtower, april 15, 1928, p. 126 .
believe in yourself, not mythology.. <x ><
However, by the beginning of the second century C.E., apostacy was creeping into the Christian congregation.
Ok, and exactly when did the bible become the bible? 2 centuries LATER? Some/Most of the "books" weren't written until the "beginning of the second century" (I assume that means 101-200).
Funny, I don't remember Paul, Peter or any of the other disciples being on the list at the Nicene Council, or at Trent.
24:14 "and this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.".
jws claim they are the only ones who preach the good news that the.
yup, but remember, the WTBS has "SID" (Selective Interpetation Disorder), so that does not apply to them.
I will see if I can find the quote where they specifically admit that they have been teaching a "new gospel" since 1914.
SYN, yup, good ole Christian love at it's best. You would think that they would be praying for god to hold off until they could "save just one more".... instead of praying for the end to come sooner.
24:14 "and this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.".
jws claim they are the only ones who preach the good news that the.
A typical JW response might be:
"That was the good news then, However when Jesus "took the throne" in 1914 the Good News changed. We are the only ones preaching this "Good News". "
In fact, I think there is a quote in some of their literature to that affect.
Enjoy Diablo and RPG style games, and many of the RTS style (Red Alert, etc...)
Nothing like a good diversion...
Minesweeper is also strangely addicting.
i was thinking today about all the time i spent on the ministry.. walking down the street with my suit and briefcase ready to defend the truth.. i recalled some of the conversations i had , had.some of the bible studies i conducted, the talks i had given the groups i had taken.. i remmebered the way i defended my faith and belief in jehovah and the jehovahs witness organisation.. how much i must have believed it was the truth.. i spent 3 years as an auxillary pioneer and called on many thousands of people.. yet all along i was wrong.. every time i defened my beliefs i was wrong.. every talk i studied and prepeared long and hard for, i was wrong.. all the things i gave up for the truth i was wrong.. what an idiot.
At the time, you believed it was the truth, therefore at that time, you were not an "idiot" for doing them.
An "idiot" would have continued doing those things after he was convinced that they were wrong.
a question for all to consider is: if pakistan and india go nuclear, as seems to becoming more likely by the day, how long will civilization be able to stay intact without completely unraveling, and during that interval will ridiculers be able to maintain the delusion that nothing out of the ordinary is happening in the world?
/ you know.
> http://www.msnbc.com/news/753586.asp?pne=msn&cp1=1
Huh? I was mocking you. You are a bit slow on the up take I'd say.
yet another fine example of the "fruits of the spirit".
You're grasping at straws to prove your point, and failing at that.
Xanders comment above is right on the money.
a question for all to consider is: if pakistan and india go nuclear, as seems to becoming more likely by the day, how long will civilization be able to stay intact without completely unraveling, and during that interval will ridiculers be able to maintain the delusion that nothing out of the ordinary is happening in the world?
/ you know.
> http://www.msnbc.com/news/753586.asp?pne=msn&cp1=1
That article says absolutely NOTHING about the threat of NUCLEAR war, it simply states:
Thousands of foreign nationals have been advised to leave India because of the danger that its confrontation with Pakistan over Kashmir may lead to war.
and in the middle:
Rumsfeld missionperhaps that is the quote you are looking at? The fact that Rumsfield going to spell out the "cost" if such a conflict occurred?Mr Rumsfeld is expected to spell out to both India and Pakistan the terrible cost of any nuclear conflict for the two countries and the entire region.
Pakistani Foreign Ministry spokesman Aziz Ahmed Khan told the AFP news agency: "We will expect him [Rumsfeld] to tell India to stop its belligerence and talk peace."
and then at the very bottom of the article:
'Stable' situationSo, exactly where in this article is the "media trying to scare people with the nonsense about nuclear war" ???US President George W Bush has warned Pakistan that it must do more to prevent attacks by militants crossing into Indian-administered Kashmir.
He said President Musharraf had promised to stop the incursions and had to keep his word.
Indian Defence Minister George Fernandes said on Friday that he thought the situation between India and Pakistan was stable.
He said troops of both India and Pakistan have been confronting each other for some six months, and he did not think there was any extra worry now.
I sure don't see it.
alanf seem to suffer from ego centricity disorder.
people in thisn place have patted him on back too much it went to his head.
he think that cause he can shuffle a few figures and write terrible papers on evolution book that he ok. he needs humble self and quit taking praise from people.
Non -
Respect is an earned thing. Many here have earned my respect, including AlanF, Amazing and even (gasp) You Know.
Their posts, wether you agree with them or not, are generally well written and can help people come to thier own conclusions about things.
Your posts however, are not.
Your entire pourpose here seems to be to inflame people in needless non-sensical banter, that serves no pourpose other than to confuse and distort reality, and distract from what needs to be discussed.
If you have a real issue with something someone posts, deal with it in that thread in an intelligent, respectable manner, and you will be on your way to earning some measure of respect. Continue on the path that you are on, and you will find yourself very alone.
Have a nice day.
hardly anyone has an honest opinion about anything of importance that wasnt craftily pre-packaged and handed to them by someone else whose job it is to craft public opinion.
the intention of the media is to present the illusion of impartially informing, all the while pandering to prejudice and ignorance in order to persuade to a particular point of view.
datelines presentation of the watchtowers child abuse issue was a case study in the black art of media propaganda.. from the very beginning of the presentation dateline was intent on giving the public a negative impression of jehovahs witnesses by portraying us all as oddball crackpots whose religion revolves around the doctrine that we dont celebrate birthdays and that all non-believers are possessed by the devil and that we want them all to die.
You know --
Obviously he is working behind the scenes to try and damage the Watchtower any way he can. Are you just pretending to be ignorant by demanding that I prove this and that or are you really that dim? / You KnowYou stated that apostates were working "behind the scenes", as if to imply that they were secretive and manipulative. AlanF's statement(s) were nothing of the sort.
Apparently, he is operating right out in the open. And I applaud him for his efforts. (and the efforts of all others involved)
Secondly, his comment does not state that he is doing anything to "damage the Watchtower"... apparently they can do that all by themselves. If the Watchtower is "damaged" it is by it's own practices, not anything someone says.
Again, who created this particular problem? The "apostates" or the WTBS?
Your problem, is that you now see just how bad the WTBS really is, and there is nothing you can do to stop others from seeing it for what it is.
Another reason that the intro to the segment was so powerful, is that the current "preaching work" is so innefective that no one even questions what was stated.
When the Catholic Church scandel broke, no one wanted to believe it was possible.
When this one broke, everyone believed it IS possible, and worse yet HONEST evidence was presented.
By thier fruits you will know them... what fruits does the average person recognize the WTBS for? Go take a poll on the street, find out for yourself.
When was the last time you heard POSITIVE mention of them anywhere? (Outside of thier own propeganda of course).