Funny stuff!!!
JoinedPosts by Funchback
blow out at kingdumb hall build today
by johnny cip inthey are adding a second floor to this hall that they have had for at least 40 years.
in gunhill rd bronx new york city.
i started by asking dumb questions .
Read this on another board!..No longer D.A or D.F. ?
by Golden Girl inthey claim that the jw's... as of the new organization book longer announce someone is disfellowshipped or disassociated.. .
but rather they announce " they are no longer a jehovah's witness.
anyone that can shed light on if this is true or not?
Bastard JW rules.
Haunted Past / Returning to the Scene of the Crime
by prophecor inthere's a chapter in my history that i'm constantly referring back to in my life.
a place where i'd quite litterally lost my mind.
the house where i lived when i was a teen, struggling with issues of not being able to serve jehovah, effectively, peer pressure, girl crazy, sexually preoccupied, struggling with being the only one in my family trying to serve jehovah, the drugs and alcohol that so quickly were introduced into my life after coming to learn about jehovah.
That is something, prophecor (name borrowed from Main Source???).
Yo. I can go to my old neighborhood in Mt. Airy and not feel anything JW related. But, I can understand if you (or anyone) has painful memories.
But I can definitely relate to the "uncomfortableness" and "uncertainty" of trying to find yourself after leaving Dubdom.
I'm glad we live in close proximity, man.
I look forward to hooking up with you!
newbie and need help.
by jamesd2004 inhey ya everybody im new here just saying hi good to be here.. and i need some help if thats ok. i have been studying for about a year and know its the truth etc...but im not babtised.
but want to be...i need some help about family issues.... i wasent brought up in the truth and neither were/and are my mum and dad.
i know i shouldnt do this but i am.
Hello, James.
Personally, I was a part of the so-called "truth" for about 25 years. I would advise that you cease and desist your studying with them. It is the opinion of myself, and possibly many others who post on this Forum, that your newfound religion d-i-v-i-d-e-s familes instead of unifying families (a hope that you are holding on to).
With that said, should you make that committment to become a JW, then you shouldn't worry about what your parents (or anyone else) thinks about your choice. If this is the "truth" that you insist it is, then, nothing else matters.
"For every thinking human being, there is freedom of choice. For everyone else, there's Jehovah's Witnesses."
Does the WTBTS still control your life?
by Honesty indo you follow the arrangement dictated by the governing body of jw's regarding df'd and da'd individuals?
do you shun the jw's like you are expected to by wt leaders or do you speak to jw's and greet them with a smile even if they shun you when you do so?
in complying with wtbts rules of acceptable behavior for da'd or df'd persons do you think that you are showing unconditional love to your neighbor?
I'm shunned by *some* in my former congregation....and I'm not even DFd or DAd.
Their loss...not mine.
Anakin Skywalker vs. JW reaching Out
by Funchback ini saw 'revenge of the sith' this past weekend.
i couldn't help but find similarities of anakin and young male jws.
in fact, i felt a lot like anakin.
Tell your "JW friend" that he/she shouldn't be seeing movies about people with "unnatural" powers (i.e., The Force), or, movies that speak of "chosen ones" (i.e., Annakin), or, movies that have souls that don't die (i.e., Annakin, Yoda, Obiwan...and, oh...the Liam Neeson character).
A Brasilian Link - Christian Apologetic Centre of Research
by Petruska ini guees thats the right name in english.
"christian apologetic centre of research".
Obrigado para isso site, Petruska!
Um beijo!
Which avatars ''appeal'' to you (credit to jt stumbler)
by MidwichCuckoo inafter reading jt stumbler's topic on avatars, i recognised that certain avatars appeal to me, and i'm sure others feel the same.... .
elsewhere (no idea why, gimme a clue), ezekiel3 (says a lot), euphemism (loved the marx bros) and googlemagoogle (so classical) spring to mind, oh, ip_sec's last avatar (the red pyramid) - want to revert back ip_sec?
oh, and stillajwexelder - after reading your posting on jt stumbler's thread i realise i previously had the wrong impression - lol.
There are some FASCINATING avatars on this site.
What is a FUNCHBACK?
Many years ago, I began posting on here as Mister Biggs. But, I decided to 'out' myself from the JW (dis)organization. Some people who posted on here were (and are) afraid that the WTS is reading our posts. So, I decided to "dare" anyone to turn me in (I was still going to the hall at the time). I put my real name in that post. I posted my photo. And, I changed my JWD name to Funchback (my last name 'Funches', and, the word 'back' in returned). Plus, it sounds like a cheap ripoff of Hunchback!!!...LOL!!!
Yes...My favorite avatar that I ever used was the girl getting hit over the head with the ball. I haven't used it since Simon stopped allowing us to use "moving" avatars.
Here's the girl gif:
Which avatars ''appeal'' to you (credit to jt stumbler)
by MidwichCuckoo inafter reading jt stumbler's topic on avatars, i recognised that certain avatars appeal to me, and i'm sure others feel the same.... .
elsewhere (no idea why, gimme a clue), ezekiel3 (says a lot), euphemism (loved the marx bros) and googlemagoogle (so classical) spring to mind, oh, ip_sec's last avatar (the red pyramid) - want to revert back ip_sec?
oh, and stillajwexelder - after reading your posting on jt stumbler's thread i realise i previously had the wrong impression - lol.
I constantly change mine.
Anakin Skywalker vs. JW reaching Out
by Funchback ini saw 'revenge of the sith' this past weekend.
i couldn't help but find similarities of anakin and young male jws.
in fact, i felt a lot like anakin.
Thanks for the link tetrapod.sapien.
I want to clarify that in NO WAY do I see myself as Anakin going bad.
I am simply saying that the Jedi Counsel wouldn't give Anakin the title of 'Master' because they didn't trust him yet.
Believe me, I feel like the JWs are the Dark Side...LOL!