Rattigan350: No one lied to you.
I disagree. Example: the WTS told young people that they would "never grow old in this system of things." This fulfills the second definition of a lie that you posted. I would argue that it also is covered by the first definion, as I do not think they should get a pass for believing something they had no defensible reason to believe. If I tell you that a comet passing by the Earth is really a spaceship that is going to rapture true believers, the fact that I am deranged enough to believe this doesn't mean it isn't a lie.
Mind you, I am not feeling charitable enough to wave off WTS lies by claiming that they were deluded. I'm confident that none of the WTS leadership who ever "clarified" anything thought that they were also not in their right minds when they made their own (ultimately failed) prognostications. At some point, the only options are that they are stupid, deluded, mislead... or deceivers. I'm willing to agree that they might be a combination of those, but they definitely have lied.