I repeated that one, and also the ones about not celebrating Valentine's Day or Father's Day or Mother's Day. "You can do those things any time!" So... how often did we buy/receive gifts during the year? Not that often. How often did married couples celebrate anything remotely like Valentine's Day? Not very often; for many couples, not at all. How often did we treat our parents as if it was Father's/Mother's Day? Hardly ever? Never?
This is another of the ways in which a restrictive religious cult harms people. These holidays were considered evil, and so we were conditioned to reject even the spirit of these events/periods. The only concession I can remember my mother making was that she would allow us to watch the Christmas cartoons. Mostly, she did it because it kept us out of her hair for a couple of hours. To enjoy the festive nature of the holidays was to allow ourselves to be tempted. And that's such an awful thing to do to people.
Enjoy the lights. Enjoy the festivities. Enjoy the gift-giving, the costumes at Halloween, the box of chocolates on Valentines Day, the cards and gifts on Father's/Mother's Day, and so on. And have some cake on your birthday, for crying out loud.