DoC: Home schooled and at 19 seems to be wandering aimlessly in life.
That is a predictable result for someone raised as a JW, at least if they or their parents are all-in. I lucked into a career in IT because things fell into place and it did not feel as if I was going off-plan by doing it. Otherwise, I'd be in my mid-50s, stuck in some dead-end job as a mail clerk and wondering if I would ever be able to retire.
And I can remember the examples given at conventions, where they would talk about a brother/sister who preferred to lose a job rather than miss a day of the convention. In those examples, they always ended up in a much better situation, proof that Jehovah had rained blessings upon them for their devotion. The message was clear: if you have to make sacrifices for your faith, it will be paid back in multiples. And if your devotion left you without a job and few prospects? Don't expect help from the organization.