All I can say at this point is Wow, that is one powerful experience. Thank you for sharing.
i was fingering the daisies in a bouquet of bright spring flowers.
i mean guys buy girls flowers.
i was nervous.
All I can say at this point is Wow, that is one powerful experience. Thank you for sharing.
i have a very extensive library of wt.
i see how many of you got rid of the books and mags.
I tried to give mine to a new congregation that had formed here at the time I left. They wouldn't take them. I had to get rid of my library cause every time I looked at my bookcase I felt like the organization was breathing down my neck. Burned the bible that I had used at meetings for years. Burned real good, cover and all. Everytime I have opportunity to look inside a WT publication, all I can see is the same old regurgitated nonsense that enslaved me in the first place. I ended up boxing them up and giving them to friends who held on to them for a while, til I told them to just get rid of them for me. I have no idea where they might have ended up. Probably as fire starters if I know my friends.
Some of the pubs may be worth money, but I have no regrets for getting rid of my library. My peace of mind was (and still is) at stake.
due to the negative connotations that result from the word "apostate".
how about if from here and now we consider ourselves antipathetics instead.
what do you think simon & all?
I have come to like the word Apostate. It could be like the joke about calling someone a bitch to which we can reply "You say that like it's a bad thing" or That's Madam Bitch to you. IE: That's Madam/Sir Apostate to you.
Also I like the thought that was brought out in another thread, that when we speak we can be "Apostrophising".
this is a for real question, not just hypothetical.
some of you are aware that i am going through a very rough time.
i have been diagnosed with chronic major depression, probably from childhood.
This is a for real question, not just hypothetical. Some of you are aware that I am going through a very rough time. I have been diagnosed with chronic major depression, probably from childhood. My doctor is working on getting correct medication levels and I am in therapy so medical bases are covered.
One of the biggest questions I have right now is bottom line, why is life worth living??
I know all the standard types of reasons having to do with love and family ect. I do believe God exists, although the form and nature of God tends to elude me at this time. I do however do not see or feel God as a being that would condemn us for simply doing the best we can with this life.
Thanks in advance for considering my question
Blessings to all
poor tink had to be rushed to the hospital early this morning 2:00am.
she went to bed fine but after several hours of pain and discomfort it got so bad she woke me up.
she had severe chest pain and pain in the center of her shoulder blades.
((((((((Tink & CC)))))))))
Best wishes for a good outcome.
well after over 100 posts this is my first thread.
but i thought that this subject was important enough to start a topic and i hope some of you will be able to give me some good advice.. to set the scene: a very close friend of mine is a nurse training to be an anaesthetist.
he recently had a jw call on him and he'd invited him in and they'd discussed the blood issue.
Hi City,
Wow, that is sticky. I recently read Amazing's experience of leaving the JW and helping his family out. He used a series of questions that caused his family to think the issues through for themselves and led them to their own conclusion. Amazing's experiences are off the forum and you can get to them by clicking on the little world thingy (dontcha just love technical jargon, lol) by his name. I think it may be helpful in getting you some tools to work with.
Good luck to you,
stop whining!
ok maybe that is a bit too strong.
but you read it.
Hi Plm,
I appreciate and identify with everything you're saying. I like it when I go on the board and see words describing what I'm feeling, because I have a hard time expressing myself . It also helps me to know I really am not alone. We do have a special kind of brother/sisterhood based on shared experience that others just cannot understand. I think of all the blank stares I get from people who have never been JW's as I try to explain what it was like.
Now if we could just manage to organize a great big festival where we could all meet up and be this family in person.
Thanks plm. It looks like you are ready for the next level whatever that will prove to be. Enjoy the journey.
i awoke from sleep about a half hour ago from a dream in which i returned to the witnesses.
i had become so upset from losing my family and friends that i decided to return and seek reinstatement even though secretly in my heart i did not believe (i was trying to fool the elders).. i awoke from the dream with illusions of actually following through with this idea.
it took me about 5 minutes to arrive at reality.
**Tammy wrote: I'm at the KH or circus assembly or d'strict convention and at first I am going through the motions**
OK hon, is that a freudian slip or what!!! Circus of the damned is more like it. LOL
dog bites minister, is spared death sentence.
canadian press.
winnipeg a dog that bit a jehovah's witness minister after she ignored beware of dog signs has been spared a death sentence by a winnipeg court.. piotr skawinski, the dog's owner, testified he had two visible warning signs up the day that ethel mannetje walked into his back yard.. he also said his six-year-old labrador-german shepherd cross named boss has never bitten anyone before and is good with children.. "for the court to put my dog to sleep because he was in his own boundaries and somebody stepped into it, not paying attention, i think that's just bad," mr. skawinski said.. "for a lady that's been going door to door for i don't know how many years and still hasn't learned to look for a beware of dog sign i don't know what the lady was thinking.".
OK guys, my warped sense of humor is taking over. See what happens when you change the placement of punctuation.
Dog bites, minister is spared death sentence
edited to add: Lol scully, yea them JW's taste nasty
Edited by - songmistress on 6 September 2002 21:1:5
i awoke from sleep about a half hour ago from a dream in which i returned to the witnesses.
i had become so upset from losing my family and friends that i decided to return and seek reinstatement even though secretly in my heart i did not believe (i was trying to fool the elders).. i awoke from the dream with illusions of actually following through with this idea.
it took me about 5 minutes to arrive at reality.
I have similar dreams often. I find myself back in the JW's and wondering why I am there. Most of the dreams take place in an assembly type setting.
For the last four years, I belonged to a barbershop chorus. I started having dreams that they had become JW's. Have been trying to figure out just what that means. Anyone got their dream dictionary handy. LOL