The org seriously lacks self awareness. They are fully aware of the existence of the following website detailing personal experiences from PIMI jws who have lost faith in the org due to pushing out the vaccines as protocol:
I kid you not, this discussion will wake many up. I hope it does, yet at the same time it angers me that the Governing Body have gotten away with manslaughter, with blood on their hands. And it was all done for one reason, to avoid legal issues. This was no different from their reaction to the Norway case. As soon as all the exjws got together and showed old Watchtower publication references pertaining to an anti-vax view, Watchtower was very desperate to maintain a deceptive response to secure themselves, avoiding legal repercussions. I wonder why a video from 4 years ago would be discussed now? Was it a move from Legal dept in preparation for any upcoming court lawsuits directed towards vaccine companies?