They'll probably soon use AI to create their art and music, more Bethelites on the streets.
JoinedPosts by KerryKing
How would you rate the Watchtower approved songs?
by Vanderhoven7 ini was asking why jws won't sing any church hymns even if they were doctrinally correct.
jws asked me in response if i would sing any of their songs.. dan watkins wrote .
its a hilarious misunderstanding, if it does not come from the watchtower bible and tract society, then it is effectively considered as coming from satan.
What would happen if the religion just straight out gets outed as bad? The ORG admits to it and all the members get told to disperse
by Starlight.vee inlike the org just gives up and comes out saying that all of what they are saying is untrue and that there is no armageddon, nothing.
how do y’all think the the members still in it would react?.
there be a mental health crisis i perhaps.
This moving little word may be traced back to the Latin inspirare (“to breathe or blow into”), which itself is from the word spirare, meaning “to breathe.” It didn't take long to establish itself in a figurative sense, as our earliest written English uses of inspire give it the meaning “to influence, move, or guide (as to speech or action) through divine or supernatural agency or power.” Many of the early figurative senses of inspire are religious in nature, so it is not surprising to learn that the word shares a connection with spirit (which comes from the Latin word for “breath,” spiritus, which is also from spirare).
I believe that to have the spirit of Christ is to be inspired by him, not possessed, which would involve removing your free will and coming under another's influence.
We are debating about ancient languages that nobody speaks anymore, which have been badly translated by people who were not inspired nor did they ever claim to be. Translators translated fragments of documents as best they could, and added things in from time to time, like some tiny changes to support a trinity doctrine for example, and translators kept translating over hundreds of years until we got to modern languages which don't even have equivalent words to literally translate the texts.
I speak 4 languages, modern languages, and it's impossible to translate one from above word for word, that gets 100x more difficult when you're dealing with ancient 'dead' languages.
Yes the word of God was inspired by God, but the translators were not, neither were the apostates who put together the bible canon and for 1500 years only circulated the KJV with its little Catholic add ons, and God allowed all of that.
So is it really useful to bicker and debate over single words and phrases when noone can prove one way or another which part is truly from God himself?
Jesus said we'd worship in spirit and truth, not in the detail of doctrine. He said his disciples would be recognised by the love they have for each other.
To be inspired by Jesus, is to be full of his spirit of love, to observe the 2 main commandments, and to put faith in Jesus as our Saviour . There are no hidden messages or secrets that require great intellect, or hours of debate , Jesus said a child could understand this.
It is simple.
Peace and love to all .
What's next?
by lastmanstanding inwhat's next for the world?
a year ago i edited a map of the world to include some big arrows to tell the story of what is to come.
and i shared that map with various friends.
Letters 😃
What's next?
by lastmanstanding inwhat's next for the world?
a year ago i edited a map of the world to include some big arrows to tell the story of what is to come.
and i shared that map with various friends.
Early Christians didn't have the NT, it hadn't been written yet. They had some letters, that's all. The NT wasn't compiled until hundreds of years later.
Don't take my word for it, a quick research into Bible history proves it. That doesn't mean the NT is invalid, far from it, but the fact is that it didn't exist when those words 'all scripture is inspired ' were written, that's fact.
Thanking Jehovah God for Sports
by Sea Breeze inserena william's thanks jehovah god for allowing her to participate in sports.
how nice.
my jw parents followed the rules and thought they were doing jehovahs will by denying me participation in sports.
She might ask why men are being allowed to come against women in the Olympics. My heart goes out to boxer Angela Carini, forced to fight a man and had to forfeit. The Olympics began with a demonic show, now they're making the public abuse of women a televised sport.
What's next?
by lastmanstanding inwhat's next for the world?
a year ago i edited a map of the world to include some big arrows to tell the story of what is to come.
and i shared that map with various friends.
All scripture is inspired - refers to the OT, the NT didn't even exist yet when that was written.
WT needs your kids uneducated: CO training video is Master Class in F.O.G. This is jaw-droppingly stupid. Beyond moronic, it's sub-moronic.
by WingCommander inco training video: link to ex-jw reddit thread discussion.
today is the first time i was made aware of this actual elder body video.
it's training for how a co should handle elder's whose children decide to pursue further education.
I think the WT discourages college and uni simply because it costs a lot of money, money that they can't get their hands on, and people with demanding jobs thanks to their college education have no time to provide a free door to door sales service for WT. 😅
Have 3 buildings disappeared from the new Italian Bethel under construction since 2019? What happened to them?
by LaFrancia inif anyone knows more, a comment is welcome.
if you visit the official jw website and search for bologna it will take you to some articles and 1 video.
the site shows a building completed in 2020 with 41 apartments, there is a photo with alleged bethelites looking out from the balconies and waving.
Weren't they meant to create something similar in New York or at least fund it?
WT made promises and never delivered.
WT needs your kids uneducated: CO training video is Master Class in F.O.G. This is jaw-droppingly stupid. Beyond moronic, it's sub-moronic.
by WingCommander inco training video: link to ex-jw reddit thread discussion.
today is the first time i was made aware of this actual elder body video.
it's training for how a co should handle elder's whose children decide to pursue further education.
Respectfully, the good education you speak of comes from travelling to different parts of the world, where people speak another language and have a different culture.
Classrooms and professors are too limited. Universities are funded by corporations with agendas. It's a cycle that breeds good little tax payers for the State.
I do agree home ed depends very much on the family but I wasn't thinking of JWs in particular, just people in general who encourage child led development and allow kids to learn at their own pace and follow their own interests. Some of the greatest scientists were home educated, considered too slow for school.
Jehovah's Witnesses "Declare the Good News" around the World this week. JW Child abuse PAGE ONE on Google news!
by Balaamsass2 in7/28/2024 sunday, despite dozens of watchtower official press releases attempting to swamp google seo, new zealand child abuse outrages climb to page one for "jehovah" news results.. ".
former jehovah's witnesses welcome inquiry's findings of 'credible evidence' of abuse.
8:07 am on 27 july 2024".
Great examples Balaamsass2!