Prank calls 😂 love it, humourous warfare
JoinedPosts by KerryKing
Large number of fake requests for a call
by JohnR1975 inmy body of elders keeps getting requests for someone to call round.
when we send one of the pioneers they say nobody in the house actually requested a visit.
it was fake.
Proof of two destinies for believers in the Bible, heavenly and earthly
by slimboyfat inthe jw idea that believers are destined either for heavenly life or for endless life on earth comes in for significant criticism by critics of various kinds.
even some groups, such as the christadelphians, who share belief in a future paradise earth, don’t share the view that some christians are destined for life in heaven.
yet there is surprisingly quite a lot of evidence in the bible for the existence of two distinct groups of believers.
IF there are two groups with separate destinations/jobs then I think people need to be humble enough to accept that it's very likely the faithful Jews, whether from before or after Jesus' death, who will be part of the 144000.
Insisting otherwise is the same as attempting to claim the best seat at the wedding banquet. Let the host assign you your seat, just make sure you're there on time and in the door with your invite.
Rumour 144,000 literal number teaching to be abandoned at Annual Meeting
by slimboyfat insay it ain’t so!
in one sense it’s a no brainer because the figures just don’t add up any more.. in another (negative) sense it’s a no brainer because it’s been fundamental to jws since year dot and might undermine the whole thing?
The problem isn't whether there is a two tier system or not, or how many there are, the problem is that all those claiming today to be anointed, CAN'T prove it!!
Jesus, the Apostles and 1st century disciples, could prove their anointing with holy spirit by miracles, healing, speaking in tongues, prophesying, good works and so on.
Those claiming to be anointed now, are self appointed anointed Christians. They have picked the best seat in the house for themselves, rather than waiting for the host to asign them a seat. And they have assigned the less favourable seats to those whom they decree to be less deserving, less spiritual than they themselves.
It is the height of arrogance to state that 'We are anointed, but you are not, you obviously have a mental illness'!!
How many times did Jesus stress and highlight the essential quality of humility, to enter the Kingdom of God? That his disciples have to be like little children, ie non ambitious?
The entire male population of the WT org is steeped in ambition and power grabbing!
rant about the stupidty of JW r/f
by enoughisenough inputting this under beliefs,doctrine and practices because i don't see a better heading.
here is what i have been thinking for years now and the situation with the recent storms and the devastation brings in closer to home in my thinking.
i lived in western nc for 20 years and moved to wv in feb of this year.
Lol, the wife would no longer be his wife though, they keep forgetting that little detail....
WTS 2024 Annual Business Meeting ...
by careful in... is just three weeks from this saturday.
the org has been tight-lipped, really, successfully secret about advance info on these in recent years,.
now that these relatively recent changes on dress and grooming, reporting fs time, judicial matters, etc.
That's interesting 3gen.
Not long ago I had the discussion with my pimi family member about the doctrine change re the fd and the gb being one and the same. They answered, well we always knew that not ALL the anointed wrote the wt articles!
Seems like they were wrong.
rant about the stupidty of JW r/f
by enoughisenough inputting this under beliefs,doctrine and practices because i don't see a better heading.
here is what i have been thinking for years now and the situation with the recent storms and the devastation brings in closer to home in my thinking.
i lived in western nc for 20 years and moved to wv in feb of this year.
Videos used to teach the resurrected ones?
I haven't heard that one yet 🤣🤣 so God is going to leave the power supply undamaged or at least enough diesel powered generators after the fire and brimstone from the skies assault so that the JWs can watch their little happy videos 😂😂
I can understand why you're needing to vent! ❤️
What evidence is there for a biblical jesus?
by Touchofgrey inis there any independently verified evidence that a miracle worker called jesus existed and did the things that the bible said he did?.
the four gospels were written by unknown authors many decades after the so called events, so can't be considered as eyewitness accounts.
i think that there may have been a apocalyptic preacher who was executed by the romans and the story evolved from their.
What do you mean by 'independently verified'?
Scholars, historians, archaeologists, scientists?
Would you accept any of their conclusions? I know I wouldn't because they're human, prone to greed..fame...power.
People believe what they want to believe, and what they don't want to believe. So long as it harms no one, benefits themselves and even others, who are any of us to demand proof of their beliefs?
Whoever said these words 'Love thy neighbour as thyself' was a very very wise man, because if each and every one of us, spoke to and acted towards each other as we wish to be spoken to and treated, this world would be a joyful wonderful beautiful planet to thrive on.
That's good enough for me. Peace be with you all.
Does anyone know how long they keep these forms for? I was dfed 15 years ago, would they still have paperwork pertaining to me on file?
by raymond frantz in
so on the 17th of september the european court of human rights (echr) condemned spain over a case involving a jehovah’s witness who was given a blood transfusion during emergency surgery, against her will, this case was well documented earlier last year as a victory for the exjw community and a sign that european countries are turning on the watchtower, unfortunately this was a shortlived victory since the finally authority are no longer countries and their courts but nefarious organizations like the echr that over rule their decisions, and i'm afraid this is the same way is going to go if the victory in norway ends up in strasburg in the hands of the echr.. the case involved an ecuadorian national residing in spain, who was given a transfusion despite her religious objections.
spain found itself in a difficult position when confronted with this case.
Bodily integrity, no one has the right to play god over you.
Ten reasons Jehovah’s Witnesses have the true religion (plus a bonus one)
by slimboyfat inthinking back when i was a true believer these are probably the top ten reasons why i believed jws are the true religion.
1. they show love among themselves by not going to war.
not killing your fellow believers in any circumstances, including war, would seem to be a very basic requirement for true christianity.
Politics and religion were not two separate entities in the first century. The Emperor was called the Divine One, Son of God and other such titles. To disagree was considered high treason.
We can't judge first century Christianity, or 3rd or 4th century, by today's standards. It just doesn't work that way. You have to look at the whole context. That means a decent in depth read up of Roman life and living, as a Roman citizen and as a non citizen living within the Roman Empire.