I will when I find my notes, WEF also had links I think if I remember correctly
JoinedPosts by KerryKing
Making Friends with Babylon the Great: Watchtower’s New Goal
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/iv_uifab-qg?si=ttnajiuizmtqlte9.
it began during the last annual meeting of 2014 and now is trikling down to their watchtower magazines, this new "live and let live" attitude towards people of other faiths, or as they were known as babylon the great soon to be dead in the hands of god members.but it is a new different story, so let's read paragraph 15 from study article 15:.
"jehovah is kind to both the righteous and the unrighteous.
Do JW's believe that TWO nations were created?
by BoogerMan inone at pentecost 33 c.e.
or were they "overlapping nations?".
w02 8/1 p. 12 par.
They think they can fool God with a nation by representing Him with a corporation.
Making Friends with Babylon the Great: Watchtower’s New Goal
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/iv_uifab-qg?si=ttnajiuizmtqlte9.
it began during the last annual meeting of 2014 and now is trikling down to their watchtower magazines, this new "live and let live" attitude towards people of other faiths, or as they were known as babylon the great soon to be dead in the hands of god members.but it is a new different story, so let's read paragraph 15 from study article 15:.
"jehovah is kind to both the righteous and the unrighteous.
The WT is working with several UN initiatives for interfaith collaboration.
You'll find various WT corporations listed among many other faiths on United Religions Initiative and others that I can't remember names of. I did a deep dive 2 years into all the connections, there are many.
They're fully involved, JWs don't know and don't want to know.
Bible Lessons You Won't Learn From The GB
by Journeyman infor those on this forum who still consider themselves christian or students of the bible, are there any bible principles you came across during your own study or research that were never brought out by the gb of the jws but that you found significant or profound?.
i don't mean doctrinal issues like the trinity, heaven & hell, etc, as these are issues christendom has been arguing over for centuries.
i mean simple, scriptural principles that the gb could've highlighted at any time, but for various reasons - some obvious, some less so - have chosen not to.. one that stood out to me is in 1 samuel chapters 2, 3 and 4.. young samuel has been dedicated to the temple and is being raised to serve god there.
They teach righteousness through works, whereas the Apostle Paul stated otherwise.
The Bible clearly states that Deborah was a judge, WT contradicts the Bible.
They claim that the NT is inspired by God, but when the verse 'All scripture is inspired by God' was written, the NT didn't even exist yet.
They never delve into the cultural meaning of NT rules, like about women covering their heads etc, there was a direct cultural reason for this that they are clueless about, among other teachings of Jesus like turning the other cheek, walking an extra mile, givithe inner cloak. These teachings make no sense unless the cultural norms of the 1st century are known.
WT does no real research.
The abuse of JW org
by wozza inawhile ago i said on here i would like to show how wrong the jehovahs witness organisation is , in that they will not accept the testimony of a victim of sexual crime where the victim has no other witnesses to the crime.
i faced this with helping my ex wife for about 15 years in exposing her father , an elder, to the jw org.
his raping of her over years and they believed him.. so therefore the perpetrator knowing of the organisations stance can easily deny and therefore be free to pretend to serve as an innocent jw still mixing with the congregation ,and also i have witnessed an accused perpetrator of child molestation witnessing at my next door neighbors house in field service with a child of another family even though the elders knew of the accusations against him.
It is nearly always men who insist that women can only receive justice when she provides a witness.
It is men who seem to be so convinced that women often bring false charges, statistically this is actually very rare.
Women who report a rape, are usually dismissed by the police, with or without evidence from DNA etc.
The system is wired against women and is getting worse, specifically in Europe, where rape victims are often accused of being racist, and hence dismissal.
I am afraid for my young daughter seeing how the patriarchy is gaining force worldwide, women's rights look good on paper but are not enforced whatsoever, from the very top down.
WT is just another organisation, like thousands more, who are happy with the status quo, because it is led by men exclusively.
The Greeks had a word for it, but the Watchtower didn't
by Nathan Natas ini recall as though it was only 60 years ago, sitting in the kingdom hall on those horrible chairs, learning of the four forms of love: agape, philia, storge and eros.. the watchtower never mentioned pragma.. pragma: this is a committed, compassionate love that often grows as two partners continue to cherish and care for each other.
this type of love is associated with being together for a long time.
in some cases, the passion of eros can grow into pragma over time, this forging a lasting bond.. i think i know why; the watchtower isn't into committed, compassionate, cherishing and caring, are they?.
Philautia definitely wouldn't fit well the WT preaching of 'self-sacrifice', a term not found anywhere in the Bible , though they love it.
New light on including people you have rejected for 27 yrs😳
by dinosarentreal incan anyone point me in the direction of articles to read about the “new light” about hanging out with family members who are not believers?
i left when i was 20, i was disfellowshipped for five years, went back to it for family and left again shortly after.
i never got disfellowshipped again so that i could talk to my parents.
Similar experience here, I find it so fake though because they're only making contact because they've been given permission to.
What Theme Song Should Be Played When You Walk Into a Room?
by Sea Breeze inthis could fun.
what song should be played when you walk into a room that best describes you?
Another one bites the dust - Queen
We Don’t Give Christmas Presents; We Give Presents To Each Other All Year Long!
by Sea Breeze inhow many of you dutifully told this lie to your friends as a kid?.
I got all those replies too, funny how our parents all had the same response ready??
'We get presents all year round '
Oh yes, new clothes and notebooks and pens for assemblies and conventions.
Why do JWs automatically assume it's all about the presents anyway? That is actually ridiculously shallow reasoning in the first place.
Now that I celebrate Xmas thanks to my ever-so-worldly husband, I get to enjoy seeing my children's excitement and anticipation weeks in advance, we bake and craft and decorate. There is NOTHING in jw land that compares to this, and the family bonding around this time doesn't happen in jw land....at all.
They deprive themselves of their God given children, every step of the way, the kids are sacrificed at Jehovah's altar, over and over again.
Does god punish children for their parents sins?
by moomanchu inezekiel 18: 1-4 , “the word of the lord came to me: ‘what do you people mean by quoting this proverb about the land of israel: “the parents eat sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge”?
as surely as i live, declares the sovereign lord, you will no longer quote this proverb in israel.
for everyone belongs to me, the parent as well as the child—both alike belong to me.
I think I could listen to you for hours Kaleb! Do you have a YouTube channel or similar?
I would dearly love to learn more about the Jewish history from a Jewish viewpoint as you seem to do so well.