Once I realised that the Kingdom of God is a way of living in the here and now, by loving yourself and loving your fellow as yourself.
That one statement is actually so far reaching, that if everyone lived by it, it would transform this earth completely
You wouldn't rob, rape, injure, abuse, poison yourself when you love yourself. It has to begin with self love.
Yet Christian religions generally prefer to preach self hatred, punishment, disgust, belief that we are inherently damaged and sinful, and WT favourite of 'self sacrifice', a phrase that doesn't even appear anywhere in their guidebook, the Bible.
Hence people in general equate self love with selfishness, indulgence, being self absorbed, and therefore often self harming by unhealthy living, running themselves into the ground putting others way ahead of themselves etc. There is no balance.
2000 years ago a peasant was attributed with that teaching about love, and they called him the Son of God. Whether you believe that bit or not doesn't make that statement 'Love your neighbour as yourself' any less powerful, it is the simplest, straight to the heart of mankind's troubles, sentence ever uttered and written.
It is up to us to embody that concept in our everyday life, God-dess, the Universe, Evolution, Consequences will take care of the rest.
But it has to begin in us.