JoinedTopics Started by KerryKing
I need to vent sorry!
by KerryKing ini couldn't get back to sleep last night, something my father said a few weeks ago popped into my head.. we were talking about obtaining citizenship, he doesn't need it, but was contemplating what benefits it could get him now he's a pensioner.. background : i've been disfellowhipped for 15 years, i was born in, he is an elder, very much pimi, he was also born in.. i said to him how citizenship would be difficult for him as it would require him to swear allegiance to the state?.
oh he said, thats just a crowd of people together in a big room for the swearing in event, it would be easy to just mumble or say nothing, nobody would know.. this has quietly been eating away in my mind, why did it bother me?.
last night it hit me, when i was in my first year of school, age 5, i came out of school one day with a balloon with two little pencils attached, a gift from a classmate who's birthday it was, every child got one.
Link to United Nations Pact For The Future signed Sept 22 2024
by KerryKing inthe world's heads of state/governments have already given their power to the united nations.. apparently it wasn't even voted on.
click on the language you want and download .
Book recommendation about Ancient Rome
by KerryKing ini've been reading a series of books about ancient rome, written in novel form but based on real people, dates and facts, itvhas been very eye opening as it creates a very real backdrop for the gospels and especially the letters to the congregations.
they're by steven saylor, roma, empire and dominus.. below is a quote from dominus: .
"reason means nothing when the worshippers are completely reliant on the revelations of the prophet.".
Sorcery = Pharmakeia
by KerryKing inrev18:23 ' deceived the nations with your sorceries'.. the interlinear for sorceries reads pharmakeia.. bible hub has some interesting definitions, i'll try to share screenshots below.
the gist of it is that sorcery involves drugs/medicines/poisons, with or without spells, sorcery is not the same as witchcraft or divination, or white/black magic.
i have long wondered about the connection between the medical/pharmaceutical industry's symbol of the serpent wrapped around a pole/stake, and the use of the word pharmaceuticals/pharmacy.. considering the common use of fluoride in public drinking water, nsaids with side effects such as depression, brain fog, dizziness, and opioids, mrna gene therapy, vaccines and so on, i wonder am i going mad, are these all coincidences??
Where Adam and Eve Vegan/Vegetarian?
by KerryKing injws seem to firmly believe that before the flood mankind eas vegan or at least vegetarian.. however, in gen 1:24,25 it says that god created livestock (domestic animals) and beasts of the eart (wild beasts).. why would adam and eve need livestock if they were vegan and naked?
wouldn't need wool or hide for clothing, nor meat for food.
possibly for dairy products only?
Remember the sex talks?
by KerryKing ini remember sitting through public talks where the speaker spent the hour discussing in great detail anal sex, masturbation (of yourself and others), sex during menstruation and so on.
i was a child, looking back now, i realise that they systematically stripped away our childhood innocence, we knew and heard things no 'worldly' child would have heard.. the child abuse and grooming happened to every single one of us, the feelings of guilt and shame was in all of us even if we didn't actually do anything bad, the mental images caused by these filthy men hung around in our innocent minds till there was no room for that innocence.. it has taken me 44 years to realise that what was done to us, even those of us not physically abused, is a crime.. do they still have talks like that nowadays i wonder?
How Did You Do It?
by KerryKing inhave any of you here successfully woken up pimi family members or friends and got them out?.
if so, how did you manage to do that, what was the information that made them jolt up out of their hypnotism?.
Waking Them Up When They Feel Safe
by KerryKing ingood morning all, i would love some genuine advice please.. i have an old friend who is still in the org, but has never been the very staunch type.
however, she is going through a very rough patch in life, (past deeds from youth caught up and now is in prison) and i reached out to her by old fashioned snail mail.. by her reply she sounds more pimi than ever and finding some sort of comfort in the literature.
would i be wrong to attempt to wake her up, would that actually be a cruel thing to do right now?
Shocking health care article by JW.Org
by KerryKing in
seems to me like this is another damage control article, are vaccine injured jws causing a stir?
2024 What's Afoot with World Religions?
by KerryKing inthe parliament of the world's religions, member of the united religions initiative, has on their website a focus24 page, they call this year the year of democracy.. apparently an unusually large proportion of the world's countries are holding national elections this year, it's certainly the case here in ireland.
this somehow is the focus of their mission, it reads well, you know peace, love and justice etc.
i am wondering if the the watchtower society is a part of this movement, seeing as they have the 501c3 agreement they are also a state church, therefore bound to follow the states laws and regulations for fear of fines or loss of the 501c3 religious charity status, loss of tax exemption etc.. if so, we could be seeing many more changes this year.. does anyone have more detailed info on what rules and regulations 501c3 religious charities have to comply with?