JoinedTopics Started by startingover
Right or Well?
by startingover ini don't know who wrote this but i found it interesting.
i heard a funny story about a cowboy who ambled into the local blacksmith shop and picked up a horseshoe, not realizing it had just come from the forge.
he immediately dropped the hot shoe, shoved his seared hand into his pocket and tried to act nonchalant.
. Another Flood Question
by startingover ini spent most of my life being told things that i just accepted without questioning.
as i pick up a bible now and begin reading in genesis it sounds so different.
i remember the flood being used as an example of what would happen in our day.
You really should read this
by startingover inthe article in this thread.
all of us here are mentioned, you'll really enjoy it.
Raised by a religion
by startingover inrecently i came upon this statement on this board: .
they were a couple: husband and wife; they were providers: mom and dad; they were people: man and woman; but they weren't really parents.
they let the religion "parent" me... .
C. T. Russell gay?
by startingover inmy gay nonjw cousin who i have been sharing jw information with, made a comment to me i want to share.
after reading this quote concerning russell from jan haugland's "successor problem" thesis, "it is also a fact, as both parties confirmed in court, that the marriage was never consummated.
first, russell seems to have had a low sex drive.
Anyone heard of this?
by startingover in.
i was having an in depth discussion on religion with a friend, and he mentioned to me that mormons have the same information given the same day worldwide in their meetings (or whatever they call them) just like the dubs do.
and important, since my loyal dub wife told me in our last discussion that was a big reason why she had the truth, the worldwide unity.. anyone here heard this before?
Anyone taken legal action in DF'ing?
by startingover ina close friend of mine, in fact a lurker here, got a call last night inviting him to a jc meeting, accused of apostasy.
he would like to avoid this because of the things it would complicate, and would like to just be left alone.
i know in the past i have read comments of some who have threatened legal action in this situation.
Reading C of C
by startingover ini read crisis of conscience some time ago and it had a profound effect on me.
i just gave it to my ex-bethelite friend to read (he had already discovered the "truth" about the truth on his own).
he's about halfway through it and is in the anger stage.
A question about Jesus
by startingover inmy first post here, been lurking for quite a while.
this place has been a real help in my journey.. a little background...raised a jw from day one, 3rd generation, 3 grandparents of the annointed, father and mother gilead graduates, father always prominent in the org.
never really felt i fit in but played the game.