I was watch a TV show called "Dooms day prepers" this week. Each family on the show is concerned about specific doomsday scenarios. Then the show rates them on how well they are prepared on a scale of 1 to 100 for the specific even they are concerned about. One was concerned about the power grids taken out by a SME. The other family was worried about sea level rise. I think both families got 80 something out of 100 score. They also have experts predict how likely it is that the specifc scenario could occur.
I was thinking how great would it be if they featured a JW on this show.
Event: Armagedon at the hands of god that will kill off 99.9% of the world population.
Preparations: Wait for the Governing Body of Jehovah's witness's to instuct us what to do.
Score given by experts: 0.0 followed by uncontrolable laughter.
It would be a very short but funny segment to this show.
Maybe someone here who knows TATT would volunteer to be on the show and make the JW doomsday cult look like the fools they are.