Three years ago, I decided that I would no longer support the JW religion. Having family in the "truth" as many of you know, can complicate the leaving process as the JWs use the threat of DF/DA and loss of family as a weopon to try to control you.
I decided to fight fire with fire. I let one person know, that I didn't want to be a JW any longer but did not want to be DA or DF because of family reasons. I just wanted them to leave me alone. I told this person that if they leave me alone, they will get no trouble out of me and I would leave them alone. However, if they failed to leave me alone, that I would launch an apostate assault campain on the congregation that they had never seen before in their history. I said that I would not stop until I got 10 persons or families to leave, and that I would focus on the young in the congregation.
Three years later, not one peep from the peeps, never a single visit from any elders, no invites to memorial, no phone calls from anyone wondering where I have been.
Fighting fire with fire worked in my case, and seems to have put enough fear in them that they have left me alone. Has anyone else tried this approach?