I wish I would have read this before I posted my story on another thread, this will teach me to read the first five pages before I post.
Thank you Blondie, this is what i was looking for to help with my friend with cancer!
I was out in Field Service in 1981 and we knocked on the door of a man who had two months at the most to live! The sister started to tell this man, Sister Goofus: "You don't know honey what it's like to have this "Korns on my feet, they hurt like hell and it's a battle to get out of bed everyday!" Sister Goofus started to try to get sympathy from a dying man, because she had Korns on her feet!" Mom became enraged!
To the credit of my dear mother, she said "What are you saying, this poor man is dying of cancer, he can't speak without coughing from those tumors pushing against his neck and you have the nerve to speak of your korns! Are you insane!" My mother lost it, she ripped this sister up in front of this dying man and the sister said "I am going to walk home if you really feel this way!" Mom said "Be my guest! If you are that selfish and heartless to mention your Korns to a dying man in excrutiating pain be my guest!"
Mom and "Sister Hypochondriac did not speak for ten years until this sister died of liver cancer" and realized how dumb she was. This was one time, i felt proud to be in Field Service with a old army tank (Mom) who crushed over this foolish sister and her tactless selfish attitude.
Mom was always the driver for the pioneer sisters, so this sister lost her free ride around town and free lunches Mom usually made for these nutbags!
By the way, Mom was asked to call on this man four times a week to bring encouragement, gingerale and any new literature. Mom would sit on his porch swing with me (age undisclosed) the dying man and reading him the Bible Scriptures, books and anything for two hours to three as she cooked him meals and cleaned his house free of charge! I know what you are thinking, the reason he allowed my mother to do all the preaching and reading the Bible, was the free meals and house cleaning.
This was not the case, after his death and out of the blue, she was called to his reading of his Will. He left my mother some antique plates and other odd items for no apparent reason than real kindness to the sick and dying. She wanted nothing but to bring this man comfort on his dying days, and he made two friends (me and mom) who enjoyed his company even though it's not a pleasant experience for a youngster to smell the rotting flesh this cancer did to his body.