Topics Started by shera
crazy JW family stories
by shera in.
my father is a painter and he went on a job to home after a jw family moved out.he noticed there was wiring under the flooring going to the fridge.he asked what this was about and the landlord told him a jw family lived here and the father wired the fridge to an alarm.he would only allow his family to eat when he said so.if they tried to sneak any food it would set the alarm off,i was told they went there separate ways.wonder why?
How did you react
by shera in.
when we were all in the hem....cough cough..."truth".how did you react to people who said negitive things about the organization and when they called it a cult?
i recall one time,this young man tried to gentally aprouch me,he put his hand on my shoulder and he started to say,its a cult...and i remember my whole body tensed up and i practically went into a seizure to his touch.i just remember he took his hand away from me and stepped back very slowly.he stayed away from me the rest of the,poor guy he must have tought i was a complete nutt.. i'm just glad i can laugh about it now,of course i wish i listened to him.. even the other day,i was talking to my mother and she was saying how upset i used to get with her....
Ways to get you back
by shera in.
have some jw's who you were close to,try to get you back to the meetings?what did they do?.
one woman i knew..tried to make me feel guilty with letters...saying it was like i stabbed her in the gut.she also gave me, my pictures back,of myself and my daughter.yeh thats a winner.just last year she gave someone i i drew back to me, as well ,other pics of my daughter that were hanging around her house.. yeh sure,thats gonna win me over.
were you scared to become an apostate?
by shera in.
when i fisrt left the organization,i was always full of duobt that it was the truth.i can remember ,becoming an apostate,was the unforgivable sin.for about 10 years i wouldnot "say"the "religion"was untrue and full of lies.even tho i was never going to go back.ater i have heard a lot of the "b.s" about this so called religion,was i peaceful saying this was lies.. i am now a proud apostate.
Press the buttons
by shera in.
i hope this doesn't offened anyone .
Wonderful JW attitude
by shera in.
i wanted to share this ,i donot know how to link ...still..... this was one jw's woman attitude towards abused survivers and the silent lambs..
only 3 meals a day
by shera indo you remember the elders having talks about only eating three meals a day.. yes, i agree with eating healthy,but my daughter's grandmother is a jw.
my daughter told me when she was visiting her,her nanny was saying she was hungry and she wasn't suppose to eat because of the meetings.also she already ate supper.well my daughter told me..she said f-them and she ate anyways....hehe .
isn't that nutts tho,feeling you are controled about how to eat?
What thing did you do when you left
by shera in.
what was one thing you did and really wanted to do when you left the jw's;what you couldn't do because of the organization?.
mine was martial arts.
Feild service and answering
by shera ini was wondering how you all felt about feild service.. i didn't like it all all,i would have minor anixety attacks and sweaty palms before i went door to door.
i would have a hard time taking a door,so one time,my loving "sister" left me standing at door by myself.i remeber being "happy".
i was very uncomfortable going to peoples door and trying to force religion on them,when they didn't want it.i only went out because it was imbedded in my mind that i had to go door to door to save peoples lives.i didn't want to have blood on my hands of the people i may have helped save with god's words.. with the answering,i almost passed used to be painfully shy.when i didn't answer enough,i would be judged as not being spiritually(sp)strong.the woman i was studing with would try to raise my hand up.the way i looked at it there was no accepting of who you were...had to be like the social butterflies to be thats what i call love.