We get old because Jehovah had to prove to all the Angels that his way of ruling was the best?
That's the sorriest argument the Watchtower has come up with.
we get old because jehovah had to prove to all the angels that his way of ruling was the best?
that's the sorriest argument the watchtower has come up with.
We get old because Jehovah had to prove to all the Angels that his way of ruling was the best?
That's the sorriest argument the Watchtower has come up with.
not really a scandal, but serena williams doing the crip walk on national tv wtf .
I don't see what the problem is
so trump has signed an executive order to withdraw from the united nations human rights council, a refugee organization, some others parts as well and calls for a review of american involvement in funding of the united nations.
he said the united nations has not been living to its potential and they need to get their act together or just dissolve the organization completely.
he said america will continue to be a part of the un but it's tiring that the united states is the country that funds most of the monies and that can't continue.
i was reading an intriguing post on the exjw reddit, a forum i do not with to sign up for, as i'm not interested in the internal politics of reddit.
another post counteracted this one, driven by the "conspiracy theory" card.
So Liam, what would be an answer to all your questions?
"There are no solutions, only trade-offs"
In life, every choice comes with costs and compromises, rather than perfect solutions.
This perspective encourages a realistic understanding of human nature and societal issues.
This Truth suggests that we should focus on finding the best possible trade-offs instead of seeking unattainable ideal solutions.
Thomas Sowell
i was reading an intriguing post on the exjw reddit, a forum i do not with to sign up for, as i'm not interested in the internal politics of reddit.
another post counteracted this one, driven by the "conspiracy theory" card.
So Trump took the Vaccine and O' Riley also, and their both still alive.
And Biden freaking took it and He's still alive.
That's what I mean, If the vaccine was bad, everyone that took it should be dead. But they're not. So it must be something else. One thing for sure, a lot of people that died were obese. That's not a good thing. Others were just old and that means their body is already heading on the decline.
Maybe it's evolution.......The strong survive......the weak die. It's always been like that.
If you were a gladiator 6' 10" tall 310 lbs and went against a man that was 5' 2" tall 110 lbs, who would survive and who would die.
Same thing with plagues. So the moral of the story, put your health first, and don't eat to much junk.
i was reading an intriguing post on the exjw reddit, a forum i do not with to sign up for, as i'm not interested in the internal politics of reddit.
another post counteracted this one, driven by the "conspiracy theory" card.
I don't know what to think of the Covid Vaccine.
I never took it and I didn't die.
I know several people that DID TAKE the vaccine and they didn't die or got sick.
I know several people that DID TAKE IT AND DIED.
i know several people that got Covid and Died even though they took the vaccine.
So why is it that many took the vaccine and Nothing Happened?
Why did some take the Vaccine and did die or got clots?
Why did some not take the vaccine and nothing happened?
If the vaccine was bad, EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE DIED THAT TOOK IT, but they didn't
Is it possible people died because they had some unknown health condition to begin with? Maybe they were too old or too young?
I wouldn't bet my life either way because it's too confusing.
Here's the thing, If Another plague happens, and millions are dying and the Government again says you have to take it..........WILL YOU?
chacteristics of a cult - by my count, wt ticks 9 of the 12 boxes.
last night i watched a really interesting video (link below) put out by an ex-mormon site discussing the heaven's gate cult.
the person interviewed had a unique perspective in that he had firsthand contact with that group, specifically the house they lived in and the aftermath.
If you can't tell you are in a cult.
Try leaving and see what happens.
If you can’t freely leave without loosing family and friends, YOU ARE IN A CULT!
the jws haven't been to my door for a while, but i don't doubt that they'll turn up eventually*.
(i saw easter eggs in the supermarket yesterday, so "memorial" season is fast approaching 🙄).
what's a good question to ask, to get the ball rolling?.
Ask them;
PROVE that we are living in the last days?
And they will run like jack rabbits.
so trump has signed an executive order to withdraw from the united nations human rights council, a refugee organization, some others parts as well and calls for a review of american involvement in funding of the united nations.
he said the united nations has not been living to its potential and they need to get their act together or just dissolve the organization completely.
he said america will continue to be a part of the un but it's tiring that the united states is the country that funds most of the monies and that can't continue.
The 1914 "this generation" changes were more dramatic and fundamental to their teachings than this.
That's true. If the Generation changes didn't wake up the entire membership of jws.....NOTHING WILL!
It is a forum for politicians to get some cheap wins and funnel trillions of dollars from rich nations to warlords and terrorists. ....The UN is based in an international socialist ideal that you can centralize power into a superstate and arrange the affairs of the nations. It just doesn’t work like that.
I never really gave it some thought, but you are spot on. This is what the United Nations is all about. It"s not about starting Armageddon to the world or about DESTROYING ALL RELIGION like the JWs believe.
Poor JWs, their hope is based on an interpretation of a Harlot riding a wild beast, written some 2000 years ago. Millions of them have sacrificed everything, family, career, retirement, Their Actual Life, to keep 10 old men in an ivory tower, whom they never met, never sat down with them to determined if they are true or just some wacky old deluded men who believe they are going to rule the Entire Universe.
When you stop and think about it for a few minutes, it's so crazy that we as humans can easily be tricked to believe such impossible things without any proof. Why do we as Humans have that tenancy?
How many Humans do we know that are still alive and have lived at least 1000 years? NONE! Everyone dies. Tops, maybe some get to live close to 120 years, but that's not a life anymore, that's just torture.
There is no proof that humans can live forever. How would God expect us to believe him if he didn't show us the proof that humans can live forever? It's because God isn't there, which is hard to BELIEVE, but the evidence is there that God either has no interest in human and animal life or HE just isn't there. Something that we Humans just can't comprehend. In Both cases God will not intervene and grant a certain group of people everlasting life. It's either ALL or NO ONE, considering all humans are his children.
There a difference between what a person believes vs what can be proven with evidence.
A person can believe ANYTHING HE WANTS, but actually proving it, not with Human evidence like books and human witnesses, but with ACTUAL DIVINE PROOF........there is NO DIVINE PROOF.
So much for the Harlot riding the Wild beast.
so trump has signed an executive order to withdraw from the united nations human rights council, a refugee organization, some others parts as well and calls for a review of american involvement in funding of the united nations.
he said the united nations has not been living to its potential and they need to get their act together or just dissolve the organization completely.
he said america will continue to be a part of the un but it's tiring that the united states is the country that funds most of the monies and that can't continue.
So Trump has signed an Executive Order to withdraw from the United Nations Human Rights Council, a Refugee Organization, some others parts as well and calls for a review of American involvement in Funding of the United Nations.
He said the United Nations has not been living to its potential and they need to get their act together or just dissolve the organization completely.
He said America will continue to be a part of the UN but it's tiring that the United States is the Country that funds most of the monies and that can't continue.
I sent the news to a few JW friends, two of which are elders, and they said ABSOLUTELY WILL NEVER HAPPEN, BECAUSE JEHOVAH WILL NOT ALLOW IT.
If in the future the United Nations is dissolved, will the Watchtower continue? How will they flip the Narrative if there is no United Nations to destroy the Harlot.